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(51.42707 -0.05331, 51.427 -0.053) 

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In the neighbourhood...

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Round Hill (oil painting) Round Hill is off Dartmouth Road, opposite Sydenham Park Road junction
Credit: Alfred L Bailey

"Suburbia" (1929) This painting/sketch was based upon Girton Road and Tannsfeld Road, Sydenham, SE26
Credit: Stanley Roy Badmin

The Avenue, Sydenham by Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) Camille Pissarro was born in St Thomas (then a Danish possession) in the West Indies but lived and worked mainly in the Paris area. He was an Impressionist and mainly painted landscapes. He visited London in 1870-71 and painted London views. The Avenue in Sydenham was later renamed Lawrie Park Avenue. The painting is in the National Gallery, London
Credit: Camille Pissarro

The Greyhound at Cobbs Corner, beside Sydenham Station.