Dante Place, SE11

Road in/near Newington .

(51.49221 -0.10268, 51.492 -0.102) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
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Road · * · SE11 ·
Dante Place is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area.


Added: 7 Oct 2017 21:07 GMT   

Hurley Road, SE11
There were stables in the road mid way - also Danny reading had a coal delivery lorry.

Added: 17 Dec 2023 21:57 GMT   

Hurley Road, SE11
I remember Danny reading we lived opposite him at number 15 he used to give us rides in his lorry and a bottle of cola if he was carrying it on the lorry x



Added: 29 Aug 2024 13:22 GMT   

My late Aunt lived in Tidal Basin during the war. Their family name was Brandon. She told a story of a schoolboy killed on the dock railway when walking to school. Apparently it was common for the kids to walk along the busy tracks serving the docks.

Lived here
Added: 20 Jul 2024 01:13 GMT   

Whitechapel (1980 - 1981)
Diana Lee-Gobbitt - Artist rented a room at No 1 Berner Street, Whitechapel, opposite Church Passage (Ripper territory) for one year, rent approx 3 pounds pw. Worked as Receptionist for n Indian import/export company in the Watney Markets. Owner of No 1 Berner Street was Sammy Ferrugia, Maltese Taxi company owner. The artist was shown the gambling den in Dutfield’s Yard behind the terrace houses. It was common local knowledge prostitution was high end income for those in the East End during the 1950s.


Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:26 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
My Grandfather bought No 45 Buchanan Gdns in I believe 1902 and died ther in the early 1950s

Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:20 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
I lived in No 7 from 1933 to 1938


Sylvia guiver   
Added: 4 Jul 2024 14:52 GMT   

Grandparents 1937 lived 37 Blandford Square
Y mother and all her sisters and brother lived there, before this date , my parent wedding photographers were take in the square, I use to visit with my mother I remember the barge ballon in the square in the war.

Born here
Roy Mathieson   
Added: 27 Jun 2024 16:25 GMT   

St Saviours
My great grandmother was born in Bowling Green Lane in 1848. The family moved from there to Earl Terrace, Bermondsey in 1849. I have never been able to locate Earl Terrace on maps.


Added: 26 Jun 2024 13:10 GMT   

Buckhurst Street, E1
Mt grandfather, Thomas Walton Ward had a musical instrument workshop in Buckhurst Street from 1934 until the street was bombed during the war. Grandfather was a partner in the musical instrument firm of R.J. Ward and Sons of Liverpool. He died in 1945 and is buried in a common grave at Abney Park Cemetery.

Lived here
Mike Dowling   
Added: 15 Jun 2024 15:51 GMT   

Family ties (1936 - 1963)
The Dowling family lived at number 13 Undercliffe Road for
Nearly 26 years. Next door was the Harris family


Elephant and Castle Elephant and Castle is one of five London tube stations named after a pub.
Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park is a public park in Kennington.

360-London, SE11 360-London is a 44-storey tower featuring 470 residential units (Newington)
Adam Court, SE11 Adam Court can be found on Kennington Lane (Kennington)
Alderney Mews, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Alleyn House, SE1 Alleyn House is a block on Burbage Close (Newington)
Alleyn House, SE17 Alleyn House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Art Works Elephant, SE17 Art Works Elephant is a location in London (Elephant and Castle)
Art Works House, SE17 Art Works House is a location in London (Elephant and Castle)
Ashton House, SE11 Ashton House is a block on Cornwall Square Kennings Way (Lambeth)
Astbury House, SE11 Astbury House is a block on Lambeth Road (Lambeth)
Austral Street, SE11 Austral Street runs from West Square to Brook Drive (Newington)
Baltimore House, SE11 Baltimore House is a block on Hotspur Street (Lambeth)
Bazeley House, SE1 Bazeley House is located on Library Street (Newington)
Bedlam Mews, SE11 Bedlam Mews is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Lambeth)
Bentham House, SE1 Bentham House is a block on Falmouth Road (Newington)
Bishops Terrace, SE11 Bishops Terrace is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Borough Road, SE1 Borough Road runs east-west between St George’s Circus and Borough High Street (Newington)
Bricklayers Street, SE11 Bricklayers Street is a location in London (Lambeth)
Brockham Street, SE1 Brockham Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Brook Drive, SE11 Brook Drive - Brook Street until 1937 - runs along the boundary between the London boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark (Newington)
Brunswick Street, SE1 Brunswick Street was the former name for the northern section of Falmouth Road (Newington)
Brutus Court, SE11 Brutus Court is located on Kennington Lane (Kennington)
Buckstone Apartments, SE1 Buckstone Apartments is a block on Blackfriars Road (Newington)
Burbage Close, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Burge Street, SE1 Burge Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Cabanel Apartments, SE1 Cabanel Apartments is a block on Milcote Street (Newington)
Canterbury Place, SE17 Canterbury Place is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Castle Square, SE17 Castle Square is a location in London (Elephant and Castle)
Castlebrook Close, SE11 Castlebrook Close is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Caxton House, SE1 Caxton House is a block on Borough Road (Newington)
Chester Way, SE11 Chester Way is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Lambeth)
Chettle Close, SE1 Chettle Close is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
China Walk, SE11 China Walk and its estate dates from 1928-34 (Lambeth)
Churchyard Row, SE11 Churchyard Row runs along the west side of St Mary’s Churchyard (Newington)
Coalpit House, SE11 Coalpit House is located on Walnut Tree Walk (Lambeth)
Cole Street, SE1 Cole Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Colnbrook Street, SE1 Colnbrook Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Conquest Apartments, SE1 Conquest Apartments is sited on Blackfriars Road (Newington)
Crampton Street, SE17 Crampton Street is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Culpeper Court, SE11 Culpeper Court is sited on Walnut Tree Walk (Lambeth)
Dante Place, SE11 Dante Place is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Dante Road, SE11 Commemorates the Italian poet Dante Alighieri (died 1321), author of The Divine Comedy. (Newington)
Davenport House, SE11 Davenport House is a block on China Walk (Lambeth)
Dawkins Court, SE1 Dawkins Court is a block on Garland Close (Newington)
Delphini Apartments, SE1 Delphini Apartments can be found on Blackfriars Road (Newington)
Denny Crescent, SE11 Denny Crescent was built as part of a small estate by the Duchy of Cornwall in 1925 (Lambeth)
Denny Street, SE11 Denny Street is a neo-Georgian development (Lambeth)
Derby House, SE11 Derby House is a block on Walnut Tree Walk (Lambeth)
Deverell Street, SE1 Deverell Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Dickens Square, SE1 Dickens Square is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Distin Street, SE11 Distin Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Lambeth)
Draper House, SE1 Draper House is a block on A3 (Elephant and Castle)
Dryden Court, SE11 Dryden Court is a block in Newington (Newington)
Dugard Way, SE11 Dugard Way is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Dumain Court, SE11 Dumain Court is a block on Opal Street (Kennington)
Ebenezer House, SE11 Ebenezer House can be found on Kennington Lane (Lambeth)
Elephant & Castle, SE1 Elephant & Castle is a name for a short section of road beside the noted junction of the same name (Elephant and Castle)
Elephant Road, SE17 Elephant Road runs along the back of the railway tracks at Elephant & Castle (Elephant and Castle)
Elliott’s Row, SE11 Elliott’s Row is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Ellis Apartments, SE1 Ellis Apartments is a block on Milcote Street (Newington)
Emmanuel House, SE11 Emmanuel House is a block on Distin Street (Lambeth)
Express House, SE1 Express House is a block on Spurgeon Street (Newington)
Fairford House, SE11 Fairford House is a block on Kennington Lane (Lambeth)
Falmouth House, SE11 Falmouth House is a block on White Hart Street (Lambeth)
Falmouth Road, SE1 The lower half of Falmouth Road - known at first as St George’s Road - was laid out just before 1830 across land on lease to the Brandon Trustees (Newington)
Falstaff Court, SE11 Falstaff Court is sited on Falstaff Court (Kennington)
Farrell Court, SE17 A street within the SE17 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
Fitzalan Street, SE11 Fitzalan Street connects Lambeth Walk and Kennington Road (Lambeth)
Fontenoy House, SE11 Fontenoy House is a block on Kennington Lane (Kennington)
Garden Row, SE1 Garden Row is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Gardiner House, SE1 Gardiner House is a block on Borough Road (Newington)
Garland Close, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Gaysley House, SE11 Gaysley House is a block on Hotspur Street (Lambeth)
Gaywood Street, SE1 Gaywood Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Elephant and Castle)
George Mathers Road, SE11 George Mathers Road runs west from Dante Road (Newington)
Geraldine Street, SE11 Geraldine Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Gibbings House, SE1 Gibbings House can be found on King James Street (Newington)
Gilbert Road, SE11 Gilbert Road is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Gilmour Section House, SE11 Gilmour Section House is a block on Renfrew Road (Newington)
Glade Path, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Gladstone Street, SE1 Gladstone Street was built in the 1840s (Newington)
Globe Street, SE1 Globe Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Gloucester Court, SE1 Gloucester Court can be found on Swan Street (Newington)
Great Dover Street, SE1 Great Dover Street was established in 1750 as a turnpike improvement to facilitate traffic flow out of the City towards the southeast ports (Newington)
Greene House, SE1 Greene House is a block on Burbage Close (Newington)
Gundulf Street, SE11 Gundulf Street is a location in London (Newington)
Hamlet Court, SE11 Hamlet Court is a building on Hamlet Court (Kennington)
Hampton Street, SE17 Hampton Street is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Elephant and Castle)
Hannibal House, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
Hayles Street, SE11 Hayles Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Hedger Street, SE11 Hedger Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Heralds Place, SE11 Heralds Place is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Holyoak Road, SE11 Holyoak Road is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Kennington)
Hornbeam Close, SE11 Hornbeam Close is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Lambeth)
Horsemongers Mews, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Hotspur Street, SE11 Hotspur Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Lambeth)
Howell Walk, SE1 Howell Walk is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Elephant and Castle)
Hunter House, SE1 Hunter House is a block on King James Street (Newington)
Hurley House, SE11 Hurley House is a block on Kennington Lane (Lambeth)
Hurley Road, SE11 Hurley Road ran north from Lower Kennington Lane (Newington)
Iliffe Street, SE17 Iliffe Street is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Iliffe Yard, SE17 Iliffe Yard is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Jonson House, SE1 Jonson House is a block on Burbage Close (Newington)
Kell Street, SE1 Kell Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Kempe House, SE1 Kempe House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Kempe House, SE17 Kempe House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Kempsford Road, SE11 Kempsford Road is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Lambeth)
Kennington Road, SE11 Kennington Road was a turnpike road created in 1751 (Lambeth)
Kerris House, SE11 Kerris House is a block on Chester Way (Lambeth)
Keyworth Street, SE1 Keyworth Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
King James Street, SE1 King James Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
King’s Place, SE1 King’s Place lies off of Borough High Street (Newington)
Knight’s Walk, SE11 Knight’s Walk is a pedestrian-only street linking Kennington Lane to Kempsford Road (Newington)
Lambeth Road, SE1 Lambeth Road is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Lambeth North)
Lamlash Street, SE11 Lamlash Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Lancaster Street, SE1 Lancaster Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Laurel Court, SE1 Laurel Court is sited on Garland Close (Newington)
Laurie House, SE1 Laurie House is sited on Gaywood Street (Elephant and Castle)
Library Street, SE1 Library Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Lingfield House, SE1 Lingfield House is a block on Lancaster Street (Newington)
London Road, SE1 London Road is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Longville Road, SE11 Longville Road connects Churchyard Row with Dante Road (Newington)
Lumiere Court, SE1 Lumiere Court is sited on Lancaster Street (Newington)
Malam Court, SE11 Malam Court is sited on John Street (Lambeth)
Manley House, SE11 Manley House is a block on Black Prince Road (Lambeth)
Manning Place, SE11 Manning Place appears on 1860s mapping (Lambeth)
Marlborough Close, SE17 A street within the SE17 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
Mathieson Court, SE1 Mathieson Court is a block on King James Street (Newington)
Middleton House, SE17 Middleton House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Milcote Street, SE1 Milcote Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Minton House, SE11 Minton House is a block on Walnut Tree Walk (Lambeth)
Monkton Street, SE11 Monkton Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Montgomery House, SE11 Montgomery House is a block on Fitzalan Street (Lambeth)
Munday House, SE1 Munday House can be found on Burbage Close (Newington)
Munday House, SE17 Munday House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Muro Court, SE1 Muro Court is a block on Milcote Street (Newington)
Nainby House, SE11 Nainby House is a block on Hotspur Street (Lambeth)
Nashe House, SE1 Nashe House is a block on Burbage Close (Newington)
Needham House, SE11 Needham House can be found on Lollard Street (Lambeth)
New Kent Road, SE1 New Kent Road is the main road leading east from Elephant & Castle (Newington)
Newington Butts, SE1 Newington Butts, once a hamlet, now forms part of the London Borough of Southwark (Elephant and Castle)
Newington Butts, SE11 Newington Butts is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Kennington)
Newington Court, SE1 Newington Court is a block on Newington Court (Newington)
Newington Industrial Estate, SE17 Newington Industrial Estate lies in SE17 (Kennington)
Newman House, SE1 Newman House is a block on Garden Row (Newington)
Nightingale Mews, SE11 Nightingale Mews is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Newington)
Oakden Street, SE11 Oakden Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Opal Street, SE11 Opal Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Kennington)
Orient Street, SE11 Orient Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Oswin Street, SE11 Oswin Street is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Elephant and Castle)
Pastor Street, SE1 Pastor Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Elephant and Castle)
Peabody Square, SE1 Peabody Square was a traditional Peabody estate constructed in 1871 but subsequently modernised (Newington)
Peacock Street, SE17 Peacock Street is a road in the SE17 postcode area (Kennington)
Peacock Yard, SE17 Peacock Yard is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Penton Place, SE11 Penton Place is a road in the SE11 postcode area (Kennington)
Perronet House, SE1 Perronet House is an 11-storey residential council tower block adjacent to the northern roundabout of the Elephant and Castle (Elephant and Castle)
Portia Court, SE11 Portia Court is a block on Opal Street (Kennington)
Portland Court, SE1 Portland Court is sited on Great Dover Street (Newington)
Princess Street, SE1 Princess Street runs between London Road and St George’s Road (Elephant and Castle)
Prospect House, SE1 Prospect House is a block on Gaywood Street (Elephant and Castle)
Pullens Buildings, SE17 Pullens Buildings is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Kennington)
Reedworth Street, SE11 Reedworth Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Lambeth)
Renfrew Road, SE11 Renfrew Road is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Richmond Street, SE11 Richmond Street ran east from Walnut Tree Walk (Lambeth)
Robert Dashwood Way, SE17 Robert Dashwood Way is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Walworth)
Rockingham Court, SE1 Rockingham Court was a passage running between two terraces of Georgian houses, with a passage running between them known as Rockingham Court. (Elephant and Castle)
Rotary Street, SE1 Rotary Street runs from Borough Road to Thomas Doyle Street (Newington)
Sambrook House, SE11 Sambrook House is a block on Hotspur Street (Lambeth)
Scovell Crescent, SE1 Scovell Crescent is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Scovell Road, SE1 Scovell Road is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Shaftsbury Court, SE1 Shaftsbury Court is a block on Alderney Mews (Newington)
Shaftsbury Court, SE17 Shaftsbury Court is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Short Street, SE1 Short Street is a former road at Elephant and Castle (Elephant and Castle)
Skipton House, SE1 Skipton House is a block on London Road (Elephant and Castle)
South Bank Technopark, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Newington)
Spare Street, SE17 A street within the SE17 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
Spode House, SE11 Spode House is sited on Lambeth Walk (Lambeth)
Spurgeon Street, SE1 Spurgeon Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
St Alban’s Street, SE11 St Alban’s Street was swept away by the China Walk Estate, (Lambeth)
St Gabriel Walk, SE1 A street within the SE1 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
St George’s Court, SE1 St George’s Court is a block on Garden Row (Newington)
St Georges Road, SE1 St Georges Road is one of the main thoroughfares of south London (Newington)
St George’s Circus, SE1 St Georges Circus is a junction where six major roads meet (Newington)
St Marys Gardens, SE11 St Marys Gardens is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
St Marys Walk, SE11 St Marys Walk is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Steam Pump Lane, SE1 Steam Pump Lane is a road in the W4 postcode area (Lambeth)
Steedman Street, SE17 Steedman Street is one of the streets of London in the SE17 postal area (Elephant and Castle)
Swan Street, SE1 Swan Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Newington)
Symington House, SE1 Symington House can be found on Deverell Street (Newington)
Symington House, SE17 Symington House is a block on Deverell Street (Newington)
Tarn Street, SE1 Tarn Street is one of the streets of London in the SE1 postal area (Elephant and Castle)
Territorial House, SE11 Territorial House is a block on Reedworth Street (Lambeth)
The Dog House, SE11 The Dog House is a block on Kennington Road (Lambeth)
Theobald Street, SE1 Theobald Street is (now) a short street lying off of the New Kent Road (Newington)
Thobal Place, SE1 Thomas Place became Thobal Place in 1892 (Elephant and Castle)
Thomas Doyle Street, SE1 Thomas Doyle Street is a road in the SE1 postcode area (Newington)
Thrush Street, SE17 A street within the SE17 postcode (Kennington)
Tolpaide House, SE11 Tolpaide House is located on Hotspur Street (Lambeth)
Tomkyns House, SE11 Tomkyns House can be found on Distin Street (Lambeth)
Trinity Church Square, SE1 Trinity Church Square is a garden square in Newington (Newington)
Trinity Street, SE1 Trinity Street - formerly known as Great Suffolk Street East - was begun in 1813 (Newington)
Two Eagles House, SE11 Two Eagles House is located on Brooke Drive (Newington)
Vantrey House, SE11 Vantrey House is a block on Marylee Way (Lambeth)
Walcot Square, SE11 Walcot Square’s late Georgian terraced houses surround a private triangular garden owned and maintained by the Walcot Foundation (Newington)
Walcott Square, SE11 Walcott Square is a location in London (Lambeth)
Walnut Tree Place, SE11 Walnut Tree Place was a minor street replaced by the China Walk Estate (Lambeth)
Walnut Tree Walk, SE11 At the beginning of the 18th century Walnut Tree Walk was a lane leading out into the fields from Lambeth (Lambeth)
Walworth Road, SE1 The northernmost section of Walworth Road, nearest to the Elephant and Castle lies in the SE1 postal area (Elephant and Castle)
Wardroper House, SE1 Wardroper House is a block on St George’s Road (Newington)
Wedgwood House, SE11 Wedgwood House is a block on Lambeth Walk (Lambeth)
Wellesley Court, SE1 Wellesley Court is a block on Rockingham Street (Elephant and Castle)
Wesley Close, SE11 A street within the SE17 postcode (Kennington)
West Combe Apartments, SE1 West Combe Apartments is a block on Newington Causeway (Elephant and Castle)
West Square, SE11 West Square was developed from 1794 onwards (Newington)
Winchester Close, SE11 A street within the SE17 postcode (Kennington)
Wincott Parade, SE11 Wincott Parade is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Lambeth)
Wincott Street, SE11 Wincott Street is one of the streets of London in the SE11 postal area (Newington)
Wollaston Close, SE17 A street within the SE1 postcode (Elephant and Castle)
Worcester House, SE11 Worcester House is sited on Kennington Road (Lambeth)
Zeiss Court, SE1 Zeiss Court is sited on Lancaster Street (Newington)


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