Beaumont Square, E1 Beaumont Square is a garden square that was laid out in 1840 as the centerpiece of the Beaumont Estate, a housing development by Captain J T Barber Beaumont. (Stepney Green)
Carlton Square, E1 The houses in the Carlton Square area were developed in the 1850s by William Pemberton Barnes on open land known as Globe Fields. (Stepney Green)
Dunstan Houses, E1 Dunstan Houses on Stepney Green were built in 1899 by the East End Dwellings Company to provide housing for the poor (Stepney Green)
Mile End Road, E1 Mile End Road is an ancient route from London to the East, moved to its present alignment after the foundation of Bow Bridge in 1110. (Stepney Green)
White Horse Lane, E1 White Horse Lane originally meandered through the countryside, beginning its journey in Whitechapel and eventually converging with the similarly-named White Horse Street (Stepney Green)