Southern House, Croydon, Surrey

Block in/near East Croydon

(51.37548 -0.0960892, 51.375 -0.096) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
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Block · * · CR0 ·
Southern House is a block on Wellesley Grove.

Addiscombe Grove, CR0 Addiscombe Grove is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Addiscombe Grove, CR0 Addiscombe Grove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Alexandra House, CR0 Alexandra House is a block on Dingwall Road
Alhambra House, CR9 Alhambra House is sited on St Michael’s Road
Altyre Road, CR0 Altyre Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Altyre Way, CR0 Altyre Way is a road in the CR0 postcode area
AMP House, CR0 AMP House is a building on Dingwall Road (East Croydon)
Amp House, CR9 Amp House is a block on Dingwall Road
Apollo House, CR0 Apollo House is a block on Wellesley Road
Apollo House, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Arcade 32-34, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Ashton Court, CR0 Ashton Court is a block on Chatsworth Road
Barclay Road, CR0 Barclay Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bedford Park, CR9 Bedford Park is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bedford Place, CR0 Bedford Place is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bell Hill Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Bell Hill, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Billinton Hill, CR0 Billinton Hill was built to service East Croydon station running up from Cherry Orchard Road (East Croydon)
Blake Road, CR0 Blake Road was probably named after a local auctioneer called John Blake who died in 1852
Brickwood Road, CR0 Brickwood Road was named for banker and landowner, John Brickwood
Bridge House, CR0 Bridge House is a block on Matthews Yard
Caithness Walk, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Cambridge House, CR0 Cambridge House is a block on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
Canterbury House, CR0 Canterbury House is a block on Sydenham Road
Carnoustie Court, CR0 Carnoustie Court is located on Addiscombe Grove
Carolyn House, CR0 Carolyn House can be found on Dingwall Road
Cedar Road, CR0 Cedar Road was laid out along the line of the boundary of the grounds of Brickwood House
Centrale Shopping Centre, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Charter House, CR0 Charter House is a building on London Road
Cherry Orchard Road, CR0 Cherry Orchard Road can be seen on maps from 1729 onwards.
Church Path, CR0 Church Path is an old road buried under the Whitgift Centre
Church Street, CR9 Church Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
CityLink House, CR0 CityLink House is a block on Addiscombe Road
Cobblestone Place, CR0 Cobblestone Place is a road in the CR0 postcode area
College Road, CR9 College Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Colson Road, CR9 Colson Road appears to be named after Thomas Colson listed as living nearby on Croydon Common in 1849
Crown Hill, CR0 Crown Hill is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Crown Hill, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Cygnet House, CR0 Cygnet House is a building on Sydenham Road
Dingwall Avenue, CR9 Dingwall Avenue is a road in the CR9 postcode area (George Street)
Dingwall Road, CR0 Dingwall Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Dingwall Road, CR9 Dingwall Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Drummond Road, CR0 Drummond Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Emerald House, CR0 Emerald House is a block on Lansdowne Road
Exchange Court, CR0 Exchange Court is a building on Bedford Park
Exchange Square, CR0 Exchange Square is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fairfield Path, CR0 Fairfield Path is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fairfield Road, CR0 Fairfield Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fell Road, CR0 Fell Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fell Road, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Fellmonger’s Yard, CR0 Fellmonger’s Yard is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fellmongers Yard Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Focus House, CR0 Focus House can be found on Dingwall Avenue (George Street)
Frith Road, CR0 Frith Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Garrick Crescent, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
George Street, CR0 George Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
George Street, CR0 George Street takes its name from a former pub called the ’George and Dragon’ which stood in Croydon
Georgian Court, CR0 Georgian Court is sited on Cross Road
GoAhead House, CR0 GoAhead House is a block on Addiscombe Road
Granville Close, CR0 Granville Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Green Park House, CR9 Green Park House is a block on Poplar Walk
Ground Floor, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Hazeldean Road, CR9 Hazeldean Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Hazeldean Road, CR9 Hazeldean Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
High Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR0 postcode area
High Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR9 postcode area
HighStreet, CR0 HighStreet is a road in the CR9 postcode area
John’s Terrace, CR0 John’s Terrace is an unadopted road off Cross Road and appears in the 1859 street directory
Katharine Street, CR9 Katharine Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Katharine Street, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Keats Apartments, CR0 Keats Apartments is a block on Bedford Park
Keeley House, CR0 Keeley House is a block on Keeley Road
Keeley Road, CR0 Keeley Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Kidderminster Road, CR0 Kidderminster Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Lansdowne Road, CR0 Lansdowne Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Lansdowne Road, CR0 Lansdowne Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Latitude Apartments, CR0 Latitude Apartments is a block on Fairfield Road
London House, CR0 London House is a block on Dingwall Avenue (George Street)
Lower Mall, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Lunar House, CR0 Lunar House is a block on Bedford Park
Lysander Road, CR0 Lysander Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Marco Polo House, CR9 Marco Polo House is a block on Lansdowne Road (East Croydon)
Margetson House, CR0 Margetson House is a block on Sydenham Road
Matthews Yard Workspace, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Matthews Yard, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Melrose House, CR0 Melrose House is a block on Dingwall Road
Metropolitan House 38-40, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Metropolitan House, Metropolitan House is a block on High Street
Metropolitan House, CR0 Metropolitan House is a block on High Street
Middle Street, CR0 Middle Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Mint Walk, CR0 Mint Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Mint Walk, CR9 Mint Walk is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Mott MacDonald House, CR0 Mott MacDonald House is a block on Sydenham Road
National Westminster House, CR0 National Westminster House is a block on Sydenham Road
Norfolk House, CR0 Norfolk House is a block on George Street
North End Mall, CR9 North End Mall is a road in the CR0 postcode area
North End, CR9 North End is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Park Lane, CR0 Park Lane is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Park Lane, CR9 Park Lane is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Park Road, CR9 Park Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Park Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR0 postcode area
Poplar Walk, CR9 Poplar Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Priddy’s Yard, CR9 Priddy’s Yard is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Pylon Way, CR0 Pylon Way is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Queensway, CR9 Queensway is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Ravi Court, CR0 Ravi Court is a block on Church Road
Riverside Mews, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Robert Street, CR9 Robert Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Ruskin Square, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Ryland House, CR0 Ryland House is a block on Church Road
Smith’s Yard, CR9 Smith’s Yard is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Southern House, CR0 Southern House is a block on Wellesley Grove (East Croydon)
Spring Apartments, CR0 Spring Apartments is a block on Addiscombe Grove
St Anne House, CR0 St Anne House is a block on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
St George’s Walk, CR9 St George’s Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
St Matthew’s House, CR0 St Matthew’s House is located on George Street
St Michael’s Court, CR0 St Michael’s Court is a block on Poplar Walk
St. Michael’s Road, CR9 St. Michael’s Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area (West Croydon)
St. Peters Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Station Road, CR0 Station Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (West Croydon)
Suffolk House, CR0 Suffolk House is a block on George Street
Sunley House, CR0 Sunley House is a block on Bedford Park
Surrey House, CR0 Surrey House is a block on Surrey Street
Surrey Street, CR0 Surrey Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Tamworth Place, CR0 Tamworth Place is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Tamworth Road, CR0 Tamworth Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Tennyson Apartments, CR0 Tennyson Apartments is a block on Wellesley Road
The AIG Building, CR9 The AIG Building is a building on Altyre Road
The Arcade 32-34, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
The Arcade, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
The Avenue, CR0 The Avenue is a road in the CR0 postcode area
The Lansdowne Building, CR9 The Lansdowne Building is a block on Lansdowne Road
The Wend, CR9 The Wend is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Tolley House, CR9 Tolley House can be found on Altyre Road
Trafalgar House, CR0 Trafalgar House is a block on Bedford Park
Underhill Court, CR0 Underhill Court is a block on Sydenham Road
Upper Mall, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Viceroy Court, CR0 Viceroy Court is a block on Dingwall Road
Voyager House, CR0 Voyager House is a building on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
Walpole Road, CR9 Walpole Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area (East Croydon)
Waterworks Yard, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Wellesley Court Road, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Wellesley Grove, CR9 Wellesley Grove is a road in the CR9 postcode area (East Croydon)
Wellesley Passage, CR9 Wellesley Passage is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Wellesley Passage, CR9 Wellesley Passage is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Wellesley Road, CR0 Wellesley Road is a location in London
Wellesley Road, CR9 Wellesley Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Wellesley Road, CR9 Wellesley Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Whitgift Almshouses, CR9 A street within the CR9 postcode
Whitgift Car Park, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Wickham Road, CR0 Wickham Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Wyvell Close, CR0 Wyvell Close lies within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)

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