Faulkner Mews, E17

Road in/near Higham Hill

(51.59787 -0.03293, 51.597 -0.032) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · E17 ·
A street within the E17 postcode

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Abbotts House, E17 Abbotts House is sited on Sherwood Close (Higham Hill)
Amber Avenue, E17 Amber Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Aranya Court, E17 Aranya Court is a block on Higham Hill Road (Higham Hill)
Ascham End, E17 Ascham End is a 1930s road (Higham Hill)
Banbury Road, E17 Banbury Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Beaumans Drive, E17 Beaumans Drive was built over the former Kimberly Works and Billet Works in 2014 (Higham Hill)
Billet Road, E17 Billet Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Bosworth Close, E17 Bosworth Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Broughton Place, E17 Broughton Place leads into the Banbury Park development (Higham Hill)
Carlton Road, E17 Carlton Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Cheney Row, E17 Cheney Row dates from the 1930s (Higham Hill)
Chieveley Road, E17 Chieveley Road was an eastern arm of Kimberley Road (Higham Hill)
Claremont Road, E17 Claremont Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Clarence Road, E17 Clarence Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Claymore Court, E17 Claymore Court is a block on Billet Road (Higham Hill)
Cogan Avenue, E17 Cogan Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Cooper Avenue, E17 Cooper Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Cormorant Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Cumberland Road, E17 Cumberland Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Durban Road, E17 Durban Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Elphinstone Road, E17 Elphinstone Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Essex Hall, E17 Essex Hall, a row of prefabs in Higham Hill, was named from Essex Hall which had stood on that site until 1933 (Higham Hill)
Faulkner Mews, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Fleeming Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Friars Court, E17 Friars Court is located on Lyne Crescent (Higham Hill)
Garnett Way, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Gloucester Road, E17 Gloucester Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Goldsmith Road, E17 Goldsmith Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Guildsway, E17 Guildsway is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Gurney Close, E17 Gurney Close is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Hecham Close, E17 Hecham Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Heron Close, E17 Heron Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Higham Hill House, E17 Higham Hill House is a block on The Mile End (Higham Hill)
Higham Hill Road, E17 Higham Hill Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Keith Road, E17 Keith Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Kelmscott Close, E17 Kelmscott Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Kimberley Road, E17 Kimberley Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Lancaster Road, E17 Lancaster Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Lawrence Avenue, E17 Lawrence Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Longlands Court, E17 Longlands Court is a block on Manor Road (Higham Hill)
Lowther Road, E17 Lowther Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Lyne Crescent, E17 Lyne Crescent is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Manor Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Manor Road, E17 Manor Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Manston Court, E17 Manston Court is a block on Thornbury Way (Higham Hill)
Mayfield Road, E17 Mayfield Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
McEntee Avenue, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Millfield Avenue, E17 Millfield Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Mount Pleasant Road, E17 Mount Pleasant Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Norfolk Road, E17 Norfolk Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
North Countess Road, E17 North Countess Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Oakfield Road, E17 Oakfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Osprey Close, E17 Osprey Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Pennant Terrace, E17 Pennant Terrace is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Phoenix Close, E17 Phoenix Close is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Priors Croft, E17 Priors Croft is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Queensland Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Renfrew House, E17 Renfrew House is a block on Sherwood Close (Higham Hill)
Robinswood Gardens, E17 Robinswood Gardens was built over an industrial area around 2014 (Higham Hill)
Rodney Place, E17 Rodney Place is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Rowntree Mews, E17 Rowntree Mews is in the Chenie Row / Kimberley Road area (Higham Hill)
Sandhurst House, E17 Sandhurst House is located on Robinswood Gardens (Higham Hill)
Sandpiper Close, E17 Sandpiper Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Shanklin House, E17 Shanklin House is a block on Sherwood Close (Higham Hill)
Shaw Square, E17 Shaw Square is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Sherwood Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Sinnott Road, E17 Sinnott Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Stow Crescent, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Sudeley Court, E17 Sudeley Court is a block on Broughton Place (Higham Hill)
Sutton Road, E17 Sutton Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Swan Close, E17 Swan Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Swansland Gardens, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Swift Close, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
The Mile End, E17 The Mile End is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Thornbury Way, E17 The route of Thornbury Way may have originated as an access road into the Billet Works in 1933 (Higham Hill)
Thorpe Crescent, E17 Thorpe Crescent is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Tuscany House, E17 Tuscany House is located on Sherwood Close (Higham Hill)
Valognes Avenue, E17 Valognes Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Waltham Forest, E17 A street within the E17 postcode (Higham Hill)
Warwick Road, E17 Warwick Road stretches from Carlton Road to Priors Croft (Higham Hill)
Waterhall Close, E17 Waterhall Close is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Wigton Road, E17 Wigton Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)
Williams Avenue, E17 Williams Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Winchester Court, E17 Winchester Court is sited on Billet Road (Higham Hill)
Windsor Avenue, E17 Windsor Avenue is a road in the E17 postcode area (Higham Hill)
Worcester Road, E17 Worcester Road is one of the streets of London in the E17 postal area (Higham Hill)

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