River Thames located at latitude: 51.487, longitude: -0.024

Co-ordinate in/near River Thames, existing until now

(51.487 -0.024, 51.487 -0.024) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Co-ordinate · * · E14 ·
A section of the River Thames located at latitude: 51.487, longitude: -0.024


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Akbar House, E14 Akbar House is a block of flats built on the Westferry Estate in Cahir Street
Amundsen Court, E14 Amundsen Court is a building on Napier Avenue
Aphrodite Court, E14 Aphrodite Court is a block on Homer Drive
Ares Court, E14 Ares Court is a block on Homer Drive
Arethusa House, E14 Arethusa House is a block on Cahir Street
Artemis Court, E14 Artemis Court can be found on Homer Drive
Barnes’s Alley, SE8 Barnes’s Alley ran off New King Street (Deptford)
Barnfield Place, E14 Barnfield Place is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area
Barnsdale Avenue, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Basevi Way, SE8 Basevi Way is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Beacon House, E14 Beacon House is a block on Burrells Wharf Square
Benbow House, SE8 Benbow House is a block on Benbow Street (Deptford)
Benbow Street, SE8 Benbow Street is one of the streets of London in the SE8 postal area (Deptford)
Bering Square, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Blasker Walk, E14 Blasker Walk is a road in the E14 postcode area
Borthwick Street, SE8 Borthwick Street is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Brassey House, E14 Brassey House can be found on Cahir Street
Britannia Road, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Brunel House, E14 Brunel House is a block on Ship Yard
Burrells Wharf Square, E14 Burrells Wharf Square is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area
Cahir Street, E14 Cahir Street is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area
Canterbury House, SE8 Canterbury House is a block on Wharf Street (Deptford)
Conway House, E14 Conway House is a building on Cahir Street
Copeland Drive, E14 Copeland Drive is a road in the E14 postcode area
Corbidge Court, SE8 Corbidge Court is a block on Clarence Road (Deptford)
Cornbury House, SE8 Cornbury House is a block on Evelyn Street (Deptford)
Cornmill House, SE8 Cornmill House is sited on Wharf Street (Deptford)
Cutlers Square, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Cyclops Mews, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Czar Street, SE8 Czar Peter the Great of Russia lived at Sayes Court nearby in 1698 while studying shipbuilding at Deptford (Deptford)
Da Gama Place, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Deptford Ferry Road, E14 Deptford Ferry Road ran down to the Thames from West Ferry Road
Deptford Green, SE8 Deptford Green is one of the streets of London in the SE8 postal area (Deptford)
Drew House, SE8 Drew House is a block on Wharf Street (Deptford)
Dryfield Walk, SE8 Dryfield Walk is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Epping Close, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Exmouth House, E14 Exmouth House is a block on Cahir Street
Ferguson Close, E14 Ferguson Close is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area
Frigate Mews, SE8 Frigate Mews is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Gama Place, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Gilbert House, SE8 Gilbert House is a block on McMillan Street (Deptford)
Glaisher Street, SE8 Glaisher Street is one of the streets of London in the SE8 postal area (Deptford)
Harbinger Road, E14 Harbinger Road is a road in the E14 postcode area
Henrietta Close, SE8 Henrietta Close is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Hera Court, E14 Hera Court is a block on Homer Drive
Homer Drive, E14 Homer Drive is a road in the E14 postcode area
Hudson Court, E14 Hudson Court is a block on Maritime Quay
Ironmongers Place, E14 Ironmongers Place is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area
Knights Tower, SE8 Knights Tower is a block on Wharf Street (Deptford)
Langford House, SE8 Langford House is a block on Evelyn Street (Deptford)
Magellan Place, E14 Magellan Place is a road in the E14 postcode area
Maritime Quay, E14 Maritime Quay is a road in the E14 postcode area
Marlowe Court, SE8 Marlowe Court is located on Basevi Way (Deptford)
Marlowe Path, SE8 Marlowe Path is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Mast House Terrace, E14 Mast House Terrace is a road in the E14 postcode area
Mercator Place, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Mercury Court, E14 Mercury Court is a block on Homer Drive
Napier Avenue, E14 Napier Avenue is a road in the E14 postcode area
Neptune Court, E14 Neptune Court is a block on Homer Drive
New King Street, SE8 New King Street is one of the streets of London in the SE8 postal area (Deptford)
Olympian Court, E14 Olympian Court is a block on Homer Drive
Oxenham House, SE8 Oxenham House is a block on Benbow Street (Deptford)
Perry Court, E14 Perry Court is a block on Maritime Quay
Phoenix Court, E14 Phoenix Court is a building on Mast House Terrace
Port House, E14 Port House is sited on Burrells Wharf Square
Poseidon Court, E14 Poseidon Court can be found on Homer Drive
Prince Street, SE8 Prince Street is one of the streets of London in the SE8 postal area (Deptford)
Rainbow Avenue, E14 Rainbow Avenue is a road in the E14 postcode area
Riverway House, E14 Riverway House is a block on Westferry Road
Rodney House, E14 Rodney House is a block on Cahir Street
Rowley House, SE8 Rowley House is a block on Trevithick Street (Deptford)
Sherwood Gardens, E14 Sherwood Gardens is a road in the E14 postcode area
Ship Yard, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Slipway House, E14 Slipway House is a block on Burrells Wharf Square
St Nicholas House, SE8 St Nicholas House is located on Deptford Green (Deptford)
Taffrail House, E14 Taffrail House is a block on Burrells Wharf Square
Tara House, E14 Tara House is a block on Deptford Ferry Road
Tasman Court, E14 Tasman Court can be found on Westferry Road
Telegraph Place, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Thames Circle, E14 Thames Circle is a road in the E14 postcode area
The Chart House, E14 The Chart House is a building on Burrells Wharf Square
The Plate House, E14 The Plate House is located on Burrells Wharf Square
The Slipway, E14 The Slipway is a road in the E3 postcode area
The Wheel House, E14 The Wheel House is a block on Burrells Wharf Square
Thistley Court, SE8 Thistley Court is a block on Glaisher Street (Deptford)
Torres Square, E14 Torres Square is a road in the E14 postcode area
Trevithick Street, SE8 Trevithick Street is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Triton House, E14 Triton House is sited on Cahir Street
Vulcan Square, E14 A street within the E14 postcode
Warspite House, E14 Warspite House is sited on Cahir Street
Watergate Street, SE8 Watergate Street is an old Deptford street giving access to the river (Deptford)
Wharf Street, SE8 Wharf Street is a road in the SE8 postcode area (Deptford)
Woodcote House, SE8 Woodcote House is a block on Prince Street (Deptford)

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