Bell Hill Street, Croydon, Surrey

Road in/near East Croydon .

(51.37342 -0.10118, 51.373 -0.101) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
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Road · * · CR0 ·
A street within the CR0 postcode


Simon Chalton   
Added: 10 Oct 2021 21:52 GMT   

Duppas Hill Terrace 1963- 74
I’m 62 yrs old now but between the years 1963 and 1975 I lived at number 23 Duppas Hill Terrace. I had an absolutely idyllic childhood there and it broke my heart when the council ordered us out of our home to build the Ellis Davd flats there.The very large house overlooked the fire station and we used to watch them practice putting out fires in the blue tower which I believe is still there.
I’m asking for your help because I cannot find anything on the internet or anywhere else (pictures, history of the house, who lived there) and I have been searching for many, many years now.
Have you any idea where I might find any specific details or photos of Duppas Hill Terrace, number 23 and down the hill to where the subway was built. To this day it saddens me to know they knocked down this house, my extended family lived at the next house down which I think was number 25 and my best school friend John Childs the next and last house down at number 27.
I miss those years so terribly and to coin a quote it seems they just disappeared like "tears in rain".
Please, if you know of anywhere that might be able to help me in any way possible, would you be kind enough to get back to me. I would be eternally grateful.
With the greatest of hope and thanks,
Simon Harlow-Chalton.

Keith Andrews   
Added: 14 Feb 2023 15:20 GMT   

Duppas Hill Terrace, CR0
Sup pas Hill Terrace



Added: 29 Aug 2024 13:22 GMT   

My late Aunt lived in Tidal Basin during the war. Their family name was Brandon. She told a story of a schoolboy killed on the dock railway when walking to school. Apparently it was common for the kids to walk along the busy tracks serving the docks.

Lived here
Added: 20 Jul 2024 01:13 GMT   

Whitechapel (1980 - 1981)
Diana Lee-Gobbitt - Artist rented a room at No 1 Berner Street, Whitechapel, opposite Church Passage (Ripper territory) for one year, rent approx 3 pounds pw. Worked as Receptionist for n Indian import/export company in the Watney Markets. Owner of No 1 Berner Street was Sammy Ferrugia, Maltese Taxi company owner. The artist was shown the gambling den in Dutfield’s Yard behind the terrace houses. It was common local knowledge prostitution was high end income for those in the East End during the 1950s.


Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:26 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
My Grandfather bought No 45 Buchanan Gdns in I believe 1902 and died ther in the early 1950s

Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:20 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
I lived in No 7 from 1933 to 1938


Sylvia guiver   
Added: 4 Jul 2024 14:52 GMT   

Grandparents 1937 lived 37 Blandford Square
Y mother and all her sisters and brother lived there, before this date , my parent wedding photographers were take in the square, I use to visit with my mother I remember the barge ballon in the square in the war.

Born here
Roy Mathieson   
Added: 27 Jun 2024 16:25 GMT   

St Saviours
My great grandmother was born in Bowling Green Lane in 1848. The family moved from there to Earl Terrace, Bermondsey in 1849. I have never been able to locate Earl Terrace on maps.


Added: 26 Jun 2024 13:10 GMT   

Buckhurst Street, E1
Mt grandfather, Thomas Walton Ward had a musical instrument workshop in Buckhurst Street from 1934 until the street was bombed during the war. Grandfather was a partner in the musical instrument firm of R.J. Ward and Sons of Liverpool. He died in 1945 and is buried in a common grave at Abney Park Cemetery.

Lived here
Mike Dowling   
Added: 15 Jun 2024 15:51 GMT   

Family ties (1936 - 1963)
The Dowling family lived at number 13 Undercliffe Road for
Nearly 26 years. Next door was the Harris family


Abbey Road, CR0 Abbey Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
AMP House, CR0 AMP House is a building on Dingwall Road (East Croydon)
Amp House, CR9 Amp House is a block on Dingwall Road
Apollo House, CR0 Apollo House is a block on Wellesley Road
Apollo House, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Arcade 32-34, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Arcadia House, CR0 Arcadia House is a block on Cairo New Road
Ashton Court, CR0 Ashton Court is a block on Chatsworth Road
Barclay Road, CR0 Barclay Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Beech Grove, CR0 Beech Grove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Beech House Road, CR0 Beech House Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bell Hill Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Bell Hill, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Bernard Weatherill House, CR0 Bernard Weatherill House is sited on Mint Walk
Booth Road, CR9 Booth Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bourne Street, CR0 Bourne Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bridge House, CR0 Bridge House is a block on Matthews Yard
Cairo New Road, CR0 Cairo New Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Caithness Walk, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Cambridge House, CR0 Cambridge House is a block on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
Canius House, CR0 Canius House is a block on Scarbrook Road
Capitan House, CR0 Capitan House can be found on Church Road
Caridon House, CR0 Caridon House is a block on Laud Street
Carolyn House, CR0 Carolyn House can be found on Dingwall Road
Centrale Shopping Centre, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Chandaria Court, CR0 Chandaria Court is a block on Church Road
Charles Street, CR0 Charles Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Charrington Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (Reeves Corner)
Church House, CR0 Church House is a block on Old Palace Road
Church Path, CR0 Church Path is an old road buried under the Whitgift Centre
Church Road, CR0 Church Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Church Street, CR9 Church Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Clarendon Road, CR0 Clarendon Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Reeves Corner)
College Road, CR9 College Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Cornwall Road, CR0 Cornwall Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Courtyard House, CR0 Courtyard House is a block on Church Road
Cranmer Road, CR0 Cranmer Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Cromwell House, CR0 Cromwell House is a block on Old Town
Crown Hill, CR0 Crown Hill is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Crown Hill, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Croydon Cold Stores, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (Cottenham Park)
Cuthbert Road, CR0 Cuthbert Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Davis House, CR0 Davis House is a block on High Street
Dingwall Avenue, CR9 Dingwall Avenue is a road in the CR9 postcode area (George Street)
Direct Line House, CR9 Direct Line House is a block on Edridge Road
Drayton Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (Reeves Corner)
Drummond Road, CR0 Drummond Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Emerald House, CR0 Emerald House is a block on Lansdowne Road
Exchange Square, CR0 Exchange Square is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fawcett Road, CR0 Fawcett Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fell Road, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Fellmonger’s Yard, CR0 Fellmonger’s Yard is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fellmongers Yard Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Flat 7 Green Dragon House, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Focus House, CR0 Focus House can be found on Dingwall Avenue (George Street)
Friends’ Road, CR0 Friends’ Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Friends’ Road, CR9 Friends’ Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Frith Road, CR0 Frith Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
George Street, CR0 George Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
George Street, CR0 George Street takes its name from a former pub called the ’George and Dragon’ which stood in Croydon
Gothic Villas, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Ground Floor, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Halstead Close, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Hanover Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Hart Close, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Hazeldean Road, CR9 Hazeldean Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
High Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR0 postcode area
High Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR9 postcode area
HighStreet, CR0 HighStreet is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Howley Road, CR0 Howley Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Impact House, CR0 Impact House is a block on Edridge Road
Innes Yard, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Jeanette Wallace House, CR0 Jeanette Wallace House is a block on Edridge Road
Katharine Street, CR9 Katharine Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Katharine Street, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Keeley House, CR0 Keeley House is a block on Keeley Road
Keeley Road, CR0 Keeley Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Keys Court, CR0 Keys Court is sited on Beech House Road
Kingfisher Court, CR0 Kingfisher Court is a building on Wandle Road
Latimer Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Laud Street, CR0 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury (1633-1645), lived at Croydon Palace
London House, CR0 London House is a block on Dingwall Avenue (George Street)
Lower Church Street, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Lower Mall, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Mann Close, CR0 Mann Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Marco Polo House, CR9 Marco Polo House is a block on Lansdowne Road (East Croydon)
Matthews Yard Workspace, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Matthews Yard, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Metropolitan House 38-40, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Metropolitan House, Metropolitan House is a block on High Street
Metropolitan House, CR0 Metropolitan House is a block on High Street
Middle Street, CR0 Middle Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Mint Walk, CR0 Mint Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Mint Walk, CR9 Mint Walk is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Norfolk House, CR0 Norfolk House is a block on George Street
Norman Court, CR0 Norman Court is a block on Church Street
North End Mall, CR9 North End Mall is a road in the CR0 postcode area
North End, CR9 North End is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Old Palace Road, CR9 Old Palace Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Old Town, CR0 Old Town is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Otterbourne Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (Centrale)
Park House, CR0 Park House is a block on Park Lane
Park Street, CR0 This is a street in the CR0 postcode area
Pitlake, CR0 Pitlake is a road in the CR0 postcode area
PO Box 4, CR0 A street within the CR9 postcode
Priddy’s Yard, CR9 Priddy’s Yard is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Ramsey Court, CR0 Ramsey Court is a block on Church Street
Ravenswood Road, CR0 Ravenswood Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Ravi Court, CR0 Ravi Court is a block on Church Road
Rectory Grove, CR0 Rectory Grove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Ridge’s Yard, CR0 Ridge’s Yard is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Riverside Mews, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Robert Street, CR9 Robert Street is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Robert Street, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Roman Way, CR0 Roman Way is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Reeves Corner)
Ruskin Road, CR0 Ruskin Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Centrale)
Ruskin Square, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Ryland House, CR0 Ryland House is a block on Church Road
Salem Place, CR0 Salem Place is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Scarbrook Road, CR0 Scarbrook Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Sheldon Street, CR0 Sheldon Street is named for Gilbert Sheldon, Archbishop of Canterbury (1663-1677) who lived at Croydon Palace and is buried in Croydon Minster
Smith’s Yard, CR9 Smith’s Yard is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Southern House, CR0 Southern House is a block on Wellesley Grove (East Croydon)
St Anne House, CR0 St Anne House is a block on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
St George’s Walk, CR9 St George’s Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
St Matthew’s House, CR0 St Matthew’s House is located on George Street
St. Georges Walk, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
St. Peters Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Stoneham House, CR0 Stoneham House is a block on Whitgift Street
Stuart Court, CR0 Stuart Court is a block on St John’s Road
Suffolk House, CR0 Suffolk House is a block on George Street
Surrey House, CR0 Surrey House is a block on Surrey Street
Surrey Street, CR0 Surrey Street is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Sylverdale Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Tamworth Place, CR0 Tamworth Place is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Tamworth Road, CR0 Tamworth Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area (Cottenham Park)
Technology House, CR0 Technology House can be found on Wandle Road
The Arcade 32-34, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
The Arcade, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
The Lansdowne Building, CR9 The Lansdowne Building is a block on Lansdowne Road
The Wend, CR9 The Wend is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Theobald Road, CR0 Theobald Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Theobolt Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Upper Mall, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Voyager House, CR0 Voyager House is a building on Wellesley Road (East Croydon)
Wadden New Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Waddon New Road, CR0 Waddon New Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Walpole Road, CR9 Walpole Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area (East Croydon)
Wandle Road, CR0 Wandle Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Waterworks Yard, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Wellesley Court Road, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)
Wellesley Grove, CR9 Wellesley Grove is a road in the CR9 postcode area (East Croydon)
Westfield Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Whitgift Almshouses, CR9 A street within the CR9 postcode
Whitgift Car Park, CR9 A street within the CR0 postcode
Whitgift Street, CR0 Whitgift Street commemorates an Archbishop of Canterbury
Wrencote House, CR0 Wrencote House is a block on High Street
Wyvell Close, CR0 Wyvell Close lies within the CR0 postcode (East Croydon)

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