Ballards Rise, Croydon, Surrey

Road in/near South Croydon

(51.35705 -0.07253, 51.357 -0.072) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · CR2 ·
A street within the CR2 postcode

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Ballards Farm Road, CR2 Ballards Farm Road is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Ballards Farm Road, CR2 Ballards Farm Road is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Ballards Rise, CR2 A street within the CR2 postcode
Ballards Way, CR2 Ballards Way is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Bench Field, CR2 Bench Field is a road in the CR2 postcode area (Lloyd Park)
Coombe Lane, CR9 A street within the CR9 postcode (Coombe (Croydon))
Crest Road, CR2 Crest Road is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Croham Valley Road, CR2 Croham Valley Road is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Hoffman Gardens, CR2 Hoffman Gardens is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Hoffmann Gardens, CR2 A street within the CR2 postcode
Manor Gardens, CR2 Manor Gardens is a road in the CR2 postcode area
Ovalley Road, CR2 A street within the CR2 postcode
Pilgrim’s Way, CR2 Pilgrim’s Way is a road in the CR2 postcode area (Lloyd Park)
Pilgrim’s Way, CR2 Pilgrim’s Way is a road in the TN13 postcode area (Lloyd Park)
Pilgrims Way, CR2 A street within the CR2 postcode (Lloyd Park)
Royal Russell School, CR9 A street within the CR9 postcode (Coombe (Croydon))
Royal Russell Senior School, CR9 A street within the CR9 postcode (Coombe (Croydon))
Ruffetts Close, CR2 A street within the CR2 postcode
The Ruffetts, CR2 The Ruffetts is a road in the CR2 postcode area

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