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(51.4845058 -0.1104854, 51.484 -0.11) 

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Chartist meeting, Kennington Common. Widely thought to be the earliest London photograph depicting a crowd (1848) More info:
Credit: William Kilburn

The Brandon Estate, Kennington. Built for the LCC in 1957-8
Credit: Flickr/Reading Tom

Adam West as ’Batman’ filming road safety in Denny Crescent, Kennington (1967)

Booth’s poverty map of Kennington and South Lambeth (1898) Charles Booth’s classification of London just before the turn of the twentieth century was thorough if opinionated. The streets marked in the darkest colour indicates inhabitants who are "vicious and semi-criminal". This section of south London has very little yellow where the "upper middle and upper classes" hung out.
Credit: LSE