Area photos

(51.47904 -0.02456, 51.479 -0.024) 

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In the neighbourhood...

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The Mercury building on Blackheath Road (1960s). On the left you can see a terrace that exists today - the location of the White Swan pub.
Credit: Adrian Spalding
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Deptford Broadway (1960s) Looking east with Deptford High Street on the left
Licence: CC BY 2.0

View of Deptford High Street, SE8
Credit: Wiki Commons/Mike Quinn
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Watergate Street, Deptford Formerly known as King Street, there were so many King Streets in London, it needed a new name as postal workers were complaining. The new name was given as it had access to the River Thames (and because there were no other Watergate Streets). Many large houses were built in the street during the 17th and 18th centuries and lived in by those connected to the maritime trade. By the twentieth century the street had became run down and post-war, new housing was built.

Albury Street, formerly Union Street in Deptford (1906)

Robert Price - yet another fence! He’s a one man fence erecting machine...
Credit: The Underground Map

Brookmill Road, as viewed from Deptford Broadway (c.1890) Then known as Mill Lane, the road featured cottages and lodging houses. In 1895, a joint initiative by the London County Council and the Greenwich Board of Works cleared this area and built Carrington House as a common lodging house.

London bus (2020)

Credit: David Coppens

Greenwich Foot Tunnel Speaking of "spooky", a lonely solo trip along the foot tunnel with only the echoes of your own footsteps, has its unnerving moments.
Credit: Pixabay/Derek Sewell