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(51.56441 -0.05327, 51.564 -0.053) 

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Nightingale Estate, Hackney Downs (1999) Hackney Council demolished five of the six towers that made up the estate. Since 2003, low-rise buildings have been constructed where the blocks once stood. It forms part of the portfolio of photographer Colin O’Brien - working since 1948 - and is featured in his book ‘London Life’
Credit: Colin O’Brien

The Jolly Anglers was a riverside pub and rebuilt around 1840. A sale notice of 1846 describes the Jolly Anglers as having a "handsome tea room with two fireplaces, three bedrooms, a small dining room, a bar and a bar parlour, a tap room, a kitchen and a cellar".
Credit: Hackney Archives

In the south corner of Walthamstow Marsh, within the cattle enclosure, is a round pond known as ’Bomb Crater Pond’. The crater marks the point of impact of a German V2 missile on Sunday 11th February 1945.