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(51.57714 -0.23896, 51.577 -0.238) 

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In the neighbourhood...

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West Hendon from above (1930s) The terraces of houses shown mostly disappeared after the Second World War.
Credit: Britain From Above/Aerofilms

Old Guttershedge Farm, Hendon (1880). There were two farms grouped as Gutters Hedge farm. Thomas Tilling, a pioneer of the omnibus transport industry was born here in 1825 and started his business in Peckham. Francis Petite Smith, later knighted, inventor of the marine propellor lived around the same period in Lower Guttershedge and may have tested his inventions on the nearby Brent River.

St. John the Evangelist, an Anglican church located on the end of Algernon Road, next to Vicarage Road.
Credit: Martin Addison
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The Old Welsh Harp, Hendon
Credit: Reeves Postcards

Cool Oak Lane, West Hendon (1920) A view of the houses from the west bank of the Welsh Harp Reservoir. House building started circa 1898 and was advantageously situated beside the water.
Old London postcard