Area photos

(51.66423 -0.2782, 51.664 -0.278) 

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Fox and Clark’ Furniture Shop (1905)
TUM image id: 1469393744
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Aberford Park lake
TUM image id: 1557403472
Boreham Wood Baptist Church
TUM image id: 1472251947
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Meryfield crest
TUM image id: 1526568929
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Brickfield Cottages, Boreham Wood
TUM image id: 1556883123
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Clarendon Road, WD6
TUM image id: 1469027977
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Leeming Road, WD6
TUM image id: 1469035628
Shenley Road, WD6
TUM image id: 1469289026

In the neighbourhood...

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Watercolour of the lower part of Theobald Street.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Aberford Park lake

Theobald Street, Borehamwood in halcyon days looking south near the original Crown pub (which is now a supermarket)

Leeming Road, WD6

The "top end" of Aycliffe Road, Borehamwood (1960s) While the hilly ground here remains still largely undeveloped, a noticeable feature now and a trend throughout the London area is the expansion of the tree cover since the Second World War. None of this open land can now be seen on Google Maps. From all angles, trees are in the way.

Queen Victoria public house, Albert Square
Credit: BBC
Licence: CC BY 2.0

A TV still showing the shops between 165 and 173 Shenley Road.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

199 Shenley Road, WD6 (1950s) The ’Cock and Hen Club’ - whatever that was - became a staid bank branch by the 1960s.

203 Shenley Road, WD6
Licence: CC BY 2.0

205 Shenley Road, WD6