Area photos

(51.52639 -0.07041, 51.526 -0.07) 

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In the neighbourhood...

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Geffrye Museum, London (2012)
Credit: Chang Yisheng
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Old Spitalfields Market (2017) This is a covered market which has been on the site for over 350 years. In 2005, a regeneration programme resulted in the new public spaces: Bishops Square and Crispin Place, which are now part of the modern Spitalfields Market. A range of public markets runs daily, with independent local stores and restaurants - as well as new office developments.
Credit: Pete Gloria

Brick Lane streetsign.
Credit: James Cridland
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Buxton Street art, Spitalfields
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Cheshire Street (1969)
Credit: David Granick (1912-80)

Victoria and Albert Cottages take the form of two ranges of modest two-storey houses built along Deal Street, Spitalfields between 1857 and 1865
Credit: Spitalfields Trust

White Lion Street (now Folgate Street), photographed from Norton Folgate (1912)
Credit: CA Mathew/Bishopsgate Institute

Gibraltar Walk, E2 The photo depicts a section of Gibraltar Walk which fell victim to post-war planners.

Hanbury Street c.1918, looking east
Licence: CC BY 2.0

A view of Union Place in Spitalfields (1901)
Credit: Horace Warner/The Religious Society of Friends in Britain