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(51.57972 -0.18983, 51.579 -0.189) 

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North End Road, NW11
TUM image id: 1492987726
Bute Mews
Credit: Godfrey and Barr
TUM image id: 1658403397
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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Constructing Golders Green station (c. 1904) This is a view from above the Northern Line tunnel entrance
Credit: London Transport Museum

View towards Central Square
Credit: Hampstead Garden Suburb trust
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Meadway Gate (c.1924) An album of watercolours depicting a variety of Hampstead Garden Suburb scenes was painted between 1923 and 1925 by William Isaac Aston.
Credit: William Isaac Aston (1857-1939)

Hampstead Garden Suburb from Willifield Way (1914) Golders Green crematorium can be seen in the background
Credit: William Whitehead Ratcliffe/Tate

Waterlow Court, a Grade II* listed building in Hampstead Garden Suburb Waterlow Court was designed for ’businesswomen’ by Baillie Scott and built by the Improved Industrial Dwellings Company - opening in 1909.
Credit: Wiki Commons/Dudley Miles

Excerpt from Unwin’s 1905 plan showing a more rounded treatment of the central area
Credit: Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The corner of Corringway and Corringham Road in Hampstead Garden Suburb (2021)
Credit: Instagram/@audsbitsnbobs

The villages of Golders Green and Hendon. This map, while published in 1908, had been overtaken by events and was out of date. The arrival of the Hampstead Tube (Northern Line) at Golders Green coincided with an explosion of house building. This new housing soon reached the River Brent. Likewise, Hampstead Garden Suburb was under way by 1908.
Credit: Geographers