Area photos

(51.5572 0.07114, 51.557 0.071) 

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Flooding in Southborough Road (later Grantham Road) Manor Park, 1903
Credit: Newham Archive

Ilford Hill/Cranbrook Road, Ilford (1960s)
Old London postcard

Cottages in Roding (Roden) Street, Ilford - undated These were demolished. A mail order company had their offices here. Those it turn were demolished and several tower blocks built.
Old London postcard

Ilford Broadway looking east along the High Road during the trolleybus era. The photo features two of the trolleybuses originally built for South Africa but which were never shipped out due to the risks to shipping during the Second World War. So they instead operated on the local trolleybus routes in the Ilford and Barking area up until their withdrawal in 1959.

Ilford Skating Rink, High Road, Ilford (c.1910) This was a roller skating rather than an ice rink - surviving late into the twentieth century