Alfred Merrill Worden USAF (7 February 1932 – 18 March 2020), command module pilot for Apollo 15 and my friend. Such was Al’s personality that he was also the friend of everybody he met.
March 2020 archive
Munro Mews, W10
Munro Mews is a part cobbled through road that connects Wornington Road and Wheatstone Road.
Photos of old London
Trams were once ubiquitous in London. The first, a horse tram, was introduced in Victoria in 1860; in 1884, a cable tram was introduced for Highgate Hill; electric vehicles arrived in 1901, and by 1914, London has the largest tram network in Europe. The arrival of the diesel bus soon led to their demise, and …
The last day of my old life
I woke up in South Ealing, packed some of my stuff but leaving most of it for the next trip over. I’d come straight to London from Orlando without passing through the Netherlands so left a lot of tee shirts and all sorts in Ealing. Laden with the luggage I’d decided to take, it was …
Cock and Hoop, Fortune Green
This area was originally known as West End rather than West Hampstead or Fortune Green and to the east of the West End Green was a field called Cock and Hoop field. On the west side of the field was the Cock and Hoop Inn and the grounds of a cottage. The Cock and Hoop Inn …