Adams House, E1

The Anchor Brewery, which ceased production in January 1975, saw the demolition of most of its buildings. Subsequently, the Anchor Retail Park was constructed on the site, named after the former brewery. However, a portion of the original Anchor Brewery structures remains at the corner of Mile End Road and Cephas Avenue. This preserved section now serves as an office block known as Adams House. Additionally, there is a residential component within this building referred to as Charrington House. The entire structure is a Grade II listed building.

Adams House was acquired by the senior partners of Adams Solicitors and renamed as such. It holds the distinction of being both Grade II listed and protected under the Stepney Green Conservation Area.

A report by Tower Hamlets Council characterised Adams House as:

“…an unusual corner building which makes a positive contribution to the area, both because of its architectural quality and its historic importance as a surviving part of the large brewery which dominated the site for a long period of time.”

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