Category: Space

Al Worden (1932-2020)

Alfred Merrill Worden USAF (7 February 1932 – 18 March 2020), command module pilot for Apollo 15 and my friend. Such was Al’s personality that he was also the friend of everybody he met.

D minus 19: Back to Blighty

The day was one of travel and no photography. NASA published a Twitter post with a rather professional Solar Orbiter launch photo.  

D minus 24: Solar Orbiter

The reason we were here in Florida was for the launch of this: the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter mission. Solar Orbiter was, on date of launch, the most complex scientific laboratory ever to have been sent to the Sun. Solar Orbiter will take images of the Sun from closer than any spacecraft before and …

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D minus 25: Kennedy Space Center

Well, since we’re here….