The Queens Park Estate is a composition of buildings, streets, trees and open spaces which as a group is an asset to the community. The Estate has a special character which distinguishes it from its
surroundings. It displays the historical associations with the Artizans, Labourers and General Dwellings Company and with the Garden City Movement. The composition of the terraces, the architectural design, construction, detailing of the buildings and layout of the streets, define collectively the Estate’s cohesive townscape.
Much of the Estate’s charm and interesting character derives from the architects’ use of gothic ornamental detail, multi-coloured brickwork, decorative stonework and double hung sash windows. Within the Estate, each property is an integral part of the design. Apart from some exceptions such as the turreted houses, there is little variety between individual houses in the street or between the streets themselves and so each property makes is own contribution towards the character of the neighbourhood.
Some of the properties have been “improved” or repaired in a way which has affected this character and thereby damaged the homogeneity of the townscape.