London – South of the Thames

Preface London – South of the Thames
by Sir Walter Besantt
Chapter I

Published in London by Adam & Charles Black, 1912

Abbeville Road, 249
Abbey Street, 57, 63, 144, 145 Abbey Wood, 305
Abershaw, Jerry, 106, 220, 222 Acorn Street, 134 Acre Lane, 170, 172, 173 Acre Wharf, 85 Addington Square, 132, 133
Adelaide Place, 179
Adelplii, The, 1 5 i Albany Road, 132
Albert Road, 155, i 56
Albert Road, Peckham, I So, 1S3, 1S4
Albert Suspension Bridge, 343
Aldridge Street, 123
Aldrington Road, 257
Alford Row, 199
Allectus, 3, 16
Alleyne, Edward, 33, 271, 275, 278
AUeyne Road, 27 i AUfarthing Lane, 235
All Saints, Battersea Park, 157
All Saints, Rotherhithe, 147
All Saints, Wandsworth, 226
Alsatia, 38
Alscot Road, 64
Althorpe House, 167 Amesbury Avenue, 266
Anchor Lane, 206, 213
Ancona Road, 316
Anderson’s Walk, 1 1
Anerley, 289-291
Anerley Park, 290
Anerley Road, 290, 291 Anerley Tea Gardens, 290
Angel Court, 69, 70
Angell, John, 76
Anhalt Road, i 5 5 Apollo Gardens, 50, 87 Armada Street, 197 Ashmole, Elias, 92, 105 Ashmolean Museum, 78, 92, 105 Aske, Robert, 191 Aske’s School, 191
Astley’s Amphitheatre, 87 Asylum Road, 183, 184
Atkins Road, 249
Atlantic Road, 175 Aubyn Street, 83
Audley, Lord, 188
Augerstein’s Wharf, 213
Augustus Road, 228
Avenue Road, 1
Avenue Road, Penge, 289
Avondale Square, 131, 132
Bach Lane 257, 258
Bacon, Josiah, 64
Baldwin, Christopher, 230
Balham, 4 Balham Hill, 260
Balham Park Road, 232
Balham Road, 233, 259, 260
Baltic Place, 14S
Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, 92
Banks, Sir Edward, 237
Bankside, 9, 31, 34, 37, 353
Barking Creek, 307
Barkworth Road, 1 3 I Barn Elms, 216
Barnes Common, 224
Barnieston Road, 3 1
Barry Road, 286
Basing Road, 180
Bath Place, 133
Battersea, 155-159
Battersea Bridge, 167, 343, 348
Battersea Bridge Road, 155, 167
Battersea Creek, 164
Battersea Enamel Works, 164
Battersea Grammar School, 164
Battersea Home for Lost Dogs, 158
Battersea Park, 155, 156, 348
Battersea Park Road, 155, 156, 165,
168, 250
Battersea Park Station, 158
Battersea Rise, 7, 245
Battersea Square, 166
Battersea Tabernacle, 157
Battle Bridge Lane, 139
Battle Bridge Stairs, 138, 139
Battlefields Road, 1 70 Bear Gardens, 35 Bear Garden Theatre, 33, 353
Bear Lane, 35 Beare at the Bridge Foot Inn, 43
Beaufoy Charities, 88
Beaumont, Francis, 33 Beaumont Road, 229
Beckenham Place Park, 310
Beckenham Road, 289, 290
Becket Street, 127
Beckton, 308
Bedford Hill Road, 259
Bedford Road, 170, 247, 248
Beechdale Road, 267
Bell Green, 294, 295
Bellenden Road, 286, 289
Bell’s Garden Road, 185 Belvedere Crescent, 85 Belvedere House, 84
Belvedere Road, 80, 84, 85, 86 Benbow, Admiral, 150, 195 Beresford Street, 1
Bermondsey, 54-74 Bermondsey, Origin of Name, 73 Bermondsey, Taverns of, 59 Bermondsey Abbey, 22, 57, 59-63, 139
Bermondsey Cross, 1
Bermondsey Fair, 70
Bermondsey Folly, 144 Bermondsey House, 141 Bermondsey Lane, 9, 33, 34, 58 Bermondsey New Road, 63, 67 Bermondsey Spa, 65, 73
Bermondsey Square, 59, 62, 64
Bermondsey Street, 56, 58, 139, 140
Bermondsey Wall, 144
Bessborough Road, 222
Bethel Asylum, i 30 Bethlehem Hospital, 49, 50 Beulah Hill, 264
Beulah Spa, 264
Beverley Brook, 216, 222, 224
Bew’s Corner, 276
Binfield Road, 104
Bird in Bush Road, 185
Blackfriars Bridge, 9, 344
Blackfriars Road, 51, 52 Blackheath Hill, 201 Blackheath Lane, 207, 212
Blackheath Park, 203
Blackheath Road, 201
Blackwall Tunnel, 195, 207, 2 i i, 2 i 2, 213
Blenheim Grove, 180
Blue Coat School for Girls, 201
Uolingbroke, Henrv St. John, \’iscount, 167 Bolingbroke Road, 231, 238, 239,
Bond, Sir Thomas, 179
Bond Street, Lambeth, 79, 80
Bond Street, Vauxhall, 102
Bonner, Bishop, 41 ” Bonners House,” 87 Bonnington Square, 102
Booth, Junius, 83
Borough High Street, 13, 14, 47, 69,
Borough Market, 3 i Borough Road, 48
Bostall Heath, 306, 315
Bostall Hill, 304, 306
Boundary’ Lane, 123 Boundary Road, 232
Bowling-Green House, 220
Bowyer Lane. See IVymlliain Roaii
Bo.xall Row, 280
Boyson Road, 123
Braidwood, Superintendent, 139
Brandon, Family of, 41, 42 Brandon, Chas., Dukeof Suffolk, 42, 43
Brandon Road, 1 7 2 Brandon Street, 125 Branksome Road, 172, 173 Breakspears Road, 190
Brewhouse Lane, 2 1
Bricklayers’ Arms Station, 66, 67
Bridge House, 138, 338, 339
Bridge Road West, 167
Bridge Street, Deptford, 199
Brighton Road, 190
Bristol House, 220
Bri.xton, 2, 169-175
Bri.vton Hill, 172, 267
Bri.vton Oval, 173
Brixton Rise, 7, 173, 239, 268
Brixton Road, 169-172
Broad Street, 88, 113
Brockley Hill, 293
Brockley Jack Inn, 293
Brockley Lane, 292, 293
Brockley, Manor of, 293
Brockley Rise, 293
Brockwell Park, 269
Bromells Road, 250
Bromley Road, 310, 311 Bronte Place, 124
Bronze Street, 1S8
Brook Street, Lambeth, 88, 119
Broomwood Road, 240
Broughton Street, 2 5 i Brownhill Road, 3 1 2 Brunei, Isambard, 151, 167, 343, 345
Brunswick Methodist Chapel, 190
Brunswick Square, 129
Buckenham Square, 67
Buckingham, Duke of, 216
Buckstone, John, 83
Bull Tavern, 67
Bunyan, John, 37 Burbage Road, 280, 282
Burleigh, Lord, 235
Burnt Ash Lane, 309
Bumtwood Lane, 233, 234, 238
Burrage Road, 305, 316
Burrell Street, 53 Byron, Lord, 73, 276
Cade, Jack, 45, 49, 73, 333
Calais Road, 128
Camberwell, 126-134
Camberwell, Origin of Name, 126
Camberwell Cemeter)’, 287
Camberwell Fair, I 26
Camberwell Grammar School, 284
Camberwell Green, 126, 171, 283
Camberwell Grove, 283, 284
Camberwell House, 129
Camberwell New Road, 126, 169, 171 Camberwell Park, 128, 171 Camberwell Road, 127, 171 Camberwell Workhouse, 129
Camden Church, 129
Camden Terrace, 129
Campbell, Thomas, 5 Canada Dock, 148
Canning, George, 4, 220
Canterbury Music Hall, 93
Canterbury Road, 177, 193
Canute’s Trench, 52, 67, 115, 149
Carlisle Street, 93 Carmalt Gardens, 225 Caron Almshouses, 105
Caron, Sir Noel, 105
Carter Lane, I 37
Castlereagh, Lord, 4, 220
Catford Bridge Road, 3 1
Catherine of Aragon, 1 00
Catherine of Braganza, 348
Cavendish Grove, 102
Cavendish, Henry, 3, 231
Cavendish Road, 231, 260
Cecil, Hotel, 351 Cedars Road, Clapham, 244
Central Hill, 273, 274
Chamberlain’s Wharf, 137 Cham.pion Hill, 174, 282, 284
Champion Park, 284
Chapel Place, 69
Charing Cross Railway Bridge, 85,
343) 35
Charles L, 223
Charles Street, 53, 153
Charleston Street, 124
Charlotte, Princess, 316
Charlton, 6, 205, 206
Charlton Cemetery, 206
Charlton Fair, 7
Charlton House, 205, 206
Charlton Lane, 206
Charlton Road, 202, 204
Charlwood Road, 2 1
Chartists, the, 106
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 46
Chelsea, 348, 349
Chelsea Bridge, 343
Chelsea Creek, 348
Cherr)- Garden Pier, 145 Cheselden, William, 2 i 4 Chester Street, 88
Chesterfield Walk, 202
Childeric Road, 192 China Hall, 148
, Choumert Road, 180
‘ Christchurch, Rotherhithe, 142, 152
I Christchurch, Westminster Bridge
Road, 87
Christchurch Road, 262, 267
Church Fields, 199
Church Lane, Charlton, 206
Church Lane, Streatham, 257
Church Road, 166, 167 Church Road, Brixton, 269
Church Street, Camberwell, 129
Church Street, Deptford, 187, 188 Church Street, Greenwich, 199
Church Street, Woolwich, 303
Clapham, I, 2, 3, 241-252
Clapham, “Old Town,” 241 Clapham Chase, 244
Clapham Common, 230, 231,
Clapham Junction Station, 165,
Clapham Park Hill, 248
Clapham Park Road, 248
Clapham Pavement, 231, 241
. Clapham Rise, 7 Clapham Road, 104, 105,
I Clarence Road, 248, 249
Clarendon Road, 128
Clayland Road, 103
Cleopatra’s Needle, 331
‘Chfton Hill, 192
Clifton Street, 247
Clink, Liberty of the, 3
Clink Prison, 31, 36
Clink Street, 35 Clyde Street, 187 Coat and Badge Inn, 217
Coburg Road, 132 Cold Blow Farm, 192 Cold Blow Lane, 192 Cold Harbour Lane, 171, 173-175
College of Queen Elizabeth, 200
College Road, 279
College Street, 85
Collier’s Rents, 69
Collingwood Street, 53
Collyer Place, 180
Colyton Road, 181
•72, 247
Combedale Road, 213
Commercial Dock Pier, 149
Commercial Docks, 74, 148 Commercial Road, Camberwell, 1 30,
Commercial Road, Lambeth, 79, So
Compter Prison, 36, 46
Conan Street, 132 Connaught, DuUe of, 202
Cook, Captain, 230
Copped Hall, 75, 1 1
Corbett’s Lane, 194
Cornhill Road, 3 1 2 Cornwall Road, Brixton, 79, 82
Cornwall Road, Lambeth, 172, 173
Cottage Green, 133
Cotton’s Wharf, 1 39 Counter Hill Academy, 192 Counter Street, 36, 1 39
Courage’s Brewery, 146
Court Lane, 277, 2 So
Court Road, 321
Coventry Park, 265
Coverdale, Myles, 154 Cowthorpe Street, 102
Cox, David, 277
Cox’s Walk, 277
Crampton Street, 1
Crawford, David Lindsay, Earl of, 332
Creek Bridge, 187 Creek Road, 187, 188
Crescent Lane, 248, 250
Cromwell, Oliver, 63, 216, 218, 242
Cromwell, Thomas, 160
Crooms Hill, 202
Crosby Row, 5 5, 69
Crossfield Lane, 188
Crown Hill, 264
Crown Street, 127
Croxted Lane, 269
Croxted Road, 271 Croydon Canal, 190, 293
Croydon Road, 289, 290
Crozier Street, 93, 97
Crucifix Lane, 56, 140
Crystal Palace, 5, 289, 291
Crystal Palace Parade, 274
Crystal Palace Road, 286
Cuckold’s Stairs, 149, 150
Culvert Road, 251, 252
Cuper’s Gardens, 80
Custom-House, 353
Cutthroat Lane, 285
Dagenham Lake, 328
Dalzell Road, 170 Dante Road, 109
Dartmouth Road, 295
Dawes, Sir Abraham, 2 i 8 Deadman’s Place, 37 De Crespigny Park, 2 84
Defoe, Daniel, 4, 257
Defoe Road, 233, 258
De la Motte, Countess, 89
Denmark Hill, 174, 282, 283
Denmark Road, 129
Denmark Street, 129 Deodar Road, 160
Deptford, 186-194
Deptford Bridge, 187-189, 199
Deptford Creek, 187, 188, 199, 201 Deptford Green, 197
Deptford Lower Road, 146, 147
Deptford Park, 194
Deptford Station, 148
Deptford Workhouse, 195 Derrick Street, 149
Desenfans, Margaret, 279
Devonshire Street, 201
Dibdin, Charles, 163, 166, 237
Dickens, Charles, 280
Digby, Sir Kenelm, 31
Disraeli Road, 160, 217, 218
Dock Head, Bermondsey, 57, 142,
143, 153
Dodington, Sir Francis, 31 Doggett, Thomas, 6, 329, 352
Doulton’s Lambeth Potteries, 88
Doulton’s Terra-cotta Works, i i 2 Dovedale Place, 156
Dowlas Common, 129 Downshire House, 224
Drake, Sir Francis, 199
Draper Street, 1 17 Dreadiwug/it, the, 210
Drummond Road, 146
Duke Street, 135, 137, 187
Duhvich, I, 5, 275-2S8
Duhvich College, 275
Dulwich College Road, 274
Duhvich Common, 275
Dulwich Common Lane, 275
Dulwich, Alanor of, 277
Duhvich “Old College,” 278, 279
Dulwich Park, 275
Dulwich Road, 173 Duhvich Spa, 276
Dulwich Wells, 296
Duvernay, Mile, 224
Dyer’s Gateway, 56 Dymoke, Sir Edward, 3
Eardley Road, 257
Earl Road, 132
Earlsfield Road, 235, 236
Earlsfield Station, 235
East Dulwich Grove, 281
East Dulwich Road, 286, 287
East Hill, 162, 163 East Hill, Wandsworth, 23S, 246
East Street, 123, 124 Eaton Street, 82 Edmund Street, 133 Edward I., 99
Edward II., 99
Edward HI., 99
Edward, the Black Prince, 99
Effra, River, 7, 106, 173, 261, 269,
270, 279, 282, 361, 362
Efifra Road, 173, 261 Egerton Road, 200
Eglington Road, 301 Elder Road, 273
Electric Avenue, 171 Elephant and Castle Inn, 116, 123 Elephant and Castle Station, 116 Elephant and Castle Theatre, 1 16, 1
Elim Street, 68
Eliot, George, 237
Elizabeth, Queen, 199, 213, 242,
255, 294, 296, 328
Elm Grove, 180
Elm Lodge, Putney, 216
I Elm Park, 261, 267
1 Elms Road, 250
Eltham, i, 5, 6, 317, 318, 319
j Eltham Bottom Lane, 3 1
Eltham Palace, 320, 321 Eltham Park, 322
Eltham Road, 309, 317, 318, 319
Elton, Edward, 59 Emu Road, 2 5 i English Grounds, 139
‘ Eon, Chevalier d’, 87 Erianger Road, 191
‘ Europe Street, 167
Evelina Hospital for Children, 37
Evelina Road, 183
Evelyn, John, 179, 1S7, 195, 215,
216, 348
Evelyn Street, 187
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 216
Fairs of South London, 39-41
Falcon, River, 7 Falcon Road, 165 Falcon Wharf, 166
Falmouth Road, 115, 116
Faraday, Michael, 74
Farmer’s Road, 1
Farncombe Street, 144, 145 Farnham Royal Alley, i 10
Fastolf, Sir John, 22, 71, 72, 73, 138,
139, 140
Felton Road, 2 10 Fentiman Road, 105 Ferndale Road, Brixton, i 70
Ferndale Road, Clapham, 248
Ferry Street, 90
Field’s Alley, 226
Finch, Margaret, 272
Finch’s Grotto Gardens, 39
Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 92
Fishmongers’ Almshouses, 164 Fishmongers Company, 123, 125,
3^8, 360
Fleet River, 352
Fleetwood, Charles, 3 1
Fletcher, John, 33 Flodden Road, 128
Flora Tea Gardens, 127
Folly Lane, 167
Foreign Cattle Market, 186, 195,
Forest Hill, 296
Forfar Road, i 56
Fort Place, Bermondsey, 64
Fountain Road, 233
Free Ferry, Woolwich, 307
Freemason’s Mill, 127
Friendly Street, 189, 190
Friern Road, 287
Frogmore Lane, 161 Frogmore Wharf, 161 Fulham Palace, 348
Furzefield Road, 205
Gallery Road, 279
Galley Wall, 66, 146
Garratt, 3 Garratt Green, 234
Garratt Lane, 233, 235, 238
Garratt Village, 234, 235
Gauden, Dr., 3 Gauden Road, 247
Gauden, Sir Dennis, 244
Gauden, Sir Duncan. 3 Gaunt, John of, 100
General Lying-in Hospital, 84
General Steam Navigation Company,
George Lane, 312
George’s Row, 144
George’s Street, 134
Gibbon, Edward, 218
Gibraltar Gate, 187 Gipsy Hill, 271, 272, 274
Gipsy House Road, 271, 272 Gipsy Lane, Lee, 310
Gipsy Road, 273
Glasshouse Street, i 1
Glebe, the, 285
Gleneagle Road, 255
Glennie, Dr., 276
Globe Alley, 37 Globe Stairs, i 50 Globe Theatre, 33, 37, 353
Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 208
Goding Street, iio, iii, 112
Goldsmith, Oliver, 185 Goldsmith Road, 185 Goldsmiths Company, 124 Goose Green, 281, 286
Gordon, General, 301 Gordon Road, 183 Gower, John, 30
Grafton Square, 250
Granard Road, 130
Grand Surrey Canal, 130, 132, 133,
148, 176-179, 187 Grange Road, Bermondsey, 62, 63,
Granville Road, 229
Gravel Lane, 9, 36
Graveney, the, 257, 264
Grayshott Road, 252
Great Dover Street, 67, i 14 Great Russell Street, Bermondsey, 56 Great Surrey Street, 5 i Greenbank, 139 Green Coat School, Camberwell, 127 Greenland Dock, 135, 148, 149
Greenland Stairs. See Commercial
Dock Pier Green Lane, 281 Green Lane, Penge, 289
Green Lane, Wandsworth, 228
Green Man, Putney, 219, 227
Greenwich, 194-213
Greenwich Church, 199
Greenwich Fair, 7
Greenwich Market, 20S, 209
Greenwich Marshes, 195 Greenwich Park, 202, 208
Greenwich Road, 200
Greenwich Royal Hospital, 195, 209,
Grey Coat School, 199, 208
Greyhound Lane, 257
Grimaldi, Joseph, 83, 87, 93, 304
Grimsworth Road, 102
Grose, Francis, 237
Grosvenor Park, 1
Grosvenor Street, 1
Grove Hill Road, 285 Grove Lane, 283, 284
Grove Park, 285 Grove Park, Lee, 310
Grove Park Road, 285 Grove Street, 186, 187 Grove \’ale, 285, 286
Groves, Sir George, 294
Guildersfield Road, 256
Guilford Street, 37 Guinness Trust Buildings, 67
Gun and Shot Wharf, 139
Gunhouse Stairs, 112, 113 Gumey Street, 122, 125 Guy Fawkes’ House, 78
Guy Street, 55 Guy, Thomas, 153
Guy’s Hospital, 9, 153, 154, 340
Hackford Road, i 7 i Hackney Marsh, i 2 Haines Street, 246
Half Moon Lane, 279, 280, 282
Half Moon Yard, 70
Ham Creek, 307
Hamilton Road, 271
Hamlet Road, 291 Hanging Wood Lane, 206
Hanover Chapel, 180, 184
Hanover Street, Peckham, i8o
Hanover Street, Rotherhithe, I 50 Harden Manor Way, 2 1
Hardicanute, 231
Harleyford Road, 106, iii, 112 Harrington Road, 213
Hartley, David, 2 19 Harvard House, 164
Hatcham Manor, 177, 191, 192, 198 Hatcham Park Road, 192
Havil Street, 129, 130
Hawkstone Road, 148 Haymerle Road, 178
Hay’s Lane, 139
Hay’s Wharf, 138
Hayter Road, 173 Heaton Road, 180
Henry HI., 99
Henry VIL, 100
Henry Wll., 317
Henslowe, Philip, 33, 73 Herbert Hospital, 317
Herbert Road, 160
Hercules Road, 93
Heme Hill, 174, 269, 270, 282
Heme Hill Lodge, 174 Heme Hill Road, 174 Heme Hill Station, 174 Hervey Road, 202
Hewer, William, 142, 244
Heyford Road, 105
Hickman’s Folly, 144 Hide \’ale, 201 High Road, Lee, 313, 314
High Road, Lewisham, 190, 313
High Road, Sireatham, 255, 265,
High Street, Battersea, 166, 168
High Street, Camberwell, 171 High Street, Clapham, 230
High Street, Deptford, 187, 188, 196
High Street, Dulwich, 280
High Street, Eltham, 319
High Street, Lambeth, 88
High Street, Norwood, 273
High Street, Peckham, 179, 180, 184
High Street, Plumstead, 305
High Street, Putney, 215, 217
High Street, Roehampton, 221 High Street, Tooting, 233
High Street, Southwark, 9, 22, 33,
41, 46
High Street, Sydenham, 295
High Street, Vauxhall, 1 1
High Street, Wandsworth, 226, 227,
228, 236, 237, 238
High Street, Woolwich, 303
Hill Street, 179, 185
Hill Street, Southwark, 51
Hillington Street, 1 19
Hilly Fields, 292
Hither Green Lane, 309, 312
Hogarth, William, 39, no, 336
Holbein, Hans, 336
Holland, Henry, 270
Holloway Farm, 310
Holly Grove, 231 Holy Trinity, Clapham, 241 Holy Trinity, Roehampton, 224
Homestall Farm, 181 Homestall Road, 181 Hone, William, 8, 9 Honor Oak Hill, 181 Honor Oak Road, 296
Hood, Tom, 127, 244
Hooper, Bishop, 21, 93
Hope Lane, 2 13 Hope Theatre, 33, 35 Horn Fair, 205
Horn Lane, 207
Horn Park Lane, 309
Homey Lane, Bermondsey, 58 Horns Tea Gardens, the, 106 Horse Ferry, the, 90, 350
Horseferry Stairs, i 50 Horsemonger Lane. See Union Road
Horsemonger Lane Jail, 73, 116
Horsemonger Lane Sessions House,
Horsleydown Fair, 141 Horsleydown Lane, 142
Hospital for Incurables, Putney, 228
Howard, John, 73 Howard’s Lane, 224, 225 Hubert Grove, i 70 Huguenot Cemetery, 237, 246
Hungerford, 85, 343
Hunt, Leigh, 73 Huntsmoor Road, 163 Hurlingham House, 1 60
Hyde Lane, 168
Improved Wood Paving Company,
211, 212
Inner Park Road, 228
Ireton, Henry, 2 16
Ironmill Place, 236
Ivy Lane, 292
Ivydale Road, 181, 182
Jacob’s Street, 144 Jamaica Road, 57, 63, 65, 144, 145 James II., 90, 350
Jeffries Road, 104
Jerningham Road, 191, 192
Jews’ Hospital, 262, 263
Jew’s Row, 1 63 John of Eltham, 99
John of Gaunt, 100
John Penn’s Almshouses,
John Thackeray’s Almshouses, 313
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 4, 255
Jones, Horace, 346
Jones, Inigo, 205
Jubilee Almshouses, 200
Justin Street, 177
Katherine of France, Queen, 61 Kean, Edmund, 83 Kempshott Road, 255, 256
Kennington, i, 2, 98-113
Kennington Common, 106
Kennington Cross, 107 Kennington Green, 107 Kennington Palace, 98-101, 107 Kennington Park, 75, io5, 119, 171,
. ’72 Kennington Park Road, 107, 119
Kennington Road, 87, 88, 107, 109
Kennington Schools, 106
Ksnnington Station, 119 Keswick Road, 227
Kidbrook, the, 203, 318
Kidbrook Lane, 318
Kidbrook Park, 202
Kidbrook Park Road, 202
King William Street, 20S
King’s Bench Prison, 9, 17, 21, 22,
37, 39, 49, 70
King’s Head Inn, 221
King’s Road, Clapham, 248, 249
Kingston Road, 222
Kipling Street, 55
Kirtling Street, 158
Kitcat Club, 216
Klea Avenue, 250
KnatchbuU Road, i 7 I Knight’s Hill, 5, 264, 270
Knight’s Hill Road, 263, 264
Knoyle Street, 192
Labelye, M. Charles, 342
Lacey, John, 215
Lady Gower Mission House, 146
Ladywell, 293
Laitwood Road, 260
Lambard, William, 200, 204
Lamb Alley, Bermondsey, 56 Lambeth, 2, 75-97 Lambeth, Manor of, 77 Lambeth, Origin of Name, 77 Lambeth Art School, 109 Lambeth Bridge, 90, 342, 349
Lambeth Butts, 113, 114 Lambeth Cemetery, 89
Lambeth Lower Marsh, 83 Lambeth Old Workhouse, 113 Lambeth Palace, 77, 92 Lambeth Palace Road, 94
Lambeth Road, 93
Lambeth Square, 87 Lambeth Walk, 88
Lambeth Wells, 88
Lancelot Street, 83
Lanfranc Street, 87 Langdale Road, 178
Larkhall Lane, 104, 247
Larkhall Rise, 247, 250
Latchmere Road, 165
Latina Road, 178 Lausanne Road, 183 Lavender Hill, 165, -243, 251 Lavender Lane, 245
Lavender Road, 165 Lavender Sweep, 245
Lavington Street, 38
Layton’s Buildings, 70
Layton’s Grove, 70
Leather Exchange, 5 5 Lee, 309
Lee Green, 203, 309
Lee Park, 203
Lee Road, 203
Leigham Court Manor, 262
Leigham Court Road, 254, 262
Leland, John, 90
Lettsom Road, 284
Levehurst, Manor of, 77 Lewer Road, 1 1 2 Lewisham, 5 Lewisham Park Crescent, 3 i 3 Lewisham Priory, 3 i 2 Leyton Scjuare, 185
Licensed Victuallers’ Asylum, 184
Licensed Victuallers’ Schools, 109
Lime Grove, Putney, 2 i 8 Linden Grove, 182
Liverpool Street, 124
Livesey, Sir George, 178
Livesey Library, 178 Loampit Hill, 190
Loampit Vale, 292
Loats Road, 248
Lock Fields, 67, 68, 122 Lock Hospital, 68, 115 Loman Street, 39 Lombard Road, 163, 164, 165, 166 London Bridge, 12, 14, 23, 328-341,
London Bridge Station, 135, 137, 138, 141 London Road, Bri.\ton, 1 70 London Road, Southwark, 48, 49
London Road, Sydenham, 295, 296
London Street, 186
London Street, Greenwich, 200
Long Lane, 68, 69
Long Walk, 58, 62, 63
Longcroft Road, 132
Longfield Hall, 128
Longfields Street, 229
Lordship Lane, 277, 281, 286
Lome Terrace, 3 1
Lorrimore Road, i 1
Lorrimore Square, 1
Loughborough House, i 7
Loughborough Junction, 171, 174 Loughborough Park, 174 Loughborough Road, 171 Louis Phihppe, 192 Lovegrove Street, 131 Lovelace, Richard, 304
Lower Common, Putney, 216, 217
Lower Kennington Lane, 107 Lower Park Road, 185 Lower Richmond Road, 215, 216
Lower Road, Deptford, 194 Lower Streatham, 264
Lower Sydenham, 3 1
Lower Tooting, 233, 258, 259 Lower Tulse Hill, 261, 262
Lurline Gardens, 157 Lyham Road, 172, 248, 249
Lyndhurst Road, 288
Lynton Road, 66
Lytton Grove, 227
Macaulay, Lord, 231, 244
Macaulay Road, 244
MacduflF Road, 156
Magdalen Road, 235
Maidstone Hill, 201
Malborough Lane, 205
Manor Grove, 177 Manor House, Barnes, 224
Manor House Wharf, I 59 Manor Lane, 314
Manor Park Road, 202. ^03
Manor Place, 117, 119
Manor Road, 1
Manor Street, Clapham, 250
Manor Way, 203 Manresa House, 221 Maple Road, 290
Marius Road, 240
Market Place, Woolwich, 303
Market Street, 48
Marlborough Congregational Chapel,
130, 131 Marlborough Road, 132 Marlow, Christopher, 1 98
Marir.ora Road, 1 8
Marney Road, 240
Marsh Lane, 2 1
Marshalsea Prison, 17, 21, 22, 36,
48, 54, 69, 70
Mary of Modena, Queen, 90
Marychurch Street, i 5 i Maryon Park, 206
Maryon Road, 206
Maryon-Wilson, Sir Spencer, 205
Massinger, Philip, 33
Mayall Road, 173
Mayow- Road, 295
May’s Pond, 153
Maze Hill, 208
Meadow Lane, 9 Medlar Street, 127, 128
Meeting House Lane, 178-180, 184 Mendelssohn, Felix, 264
Mermaid Court, 70
Merlon Road, 228, 229, 233, 258
Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 39
Metropolitan Tabernacle, 1 2
Middle Park, 320
Miles Street, 102
Militar)- Prison, Brixton, 172
^lilkwood Road, 174
Mill Hill Road, 2 1
Mill Lane, Brixton, 172
Mill Lane, Deptford, 189
Mill Lane, Rotherhithe, 139
Mill Lane, Woolwich, 301
Mill Stream Road, 57
Mill Street, Camberwell, 131
Mill Street, Rotherhithe, 143, 144
Mint, the, 28, 38
Mirion Street, 39
‘ Mitcham Road, 2 58 Moat Place, i 70
Monk, General, 41 Montserrat Road, 2 1
Moore, Francis, 88, 89
Moore, Thomas, 73 Morden, 3 Morden, Sir John, 202, 203
Morden College, 202
‘ Morden Road, 202, 203
‘ More, Sir Thomas, 332, 348-350
I Morecambe Street, 124
^Morgan’s Lane, 139
Moris, Peter, 335
Mottingham, 320, 322
Mount Ephraim Lane, 254
Mount Street, 206
Mundania Road, 181 Murray, Lord George, 190
Mycena Road, 204
Mysore Road, 245
Narrow Wall. See Belvedere Road
I Nasmyth, Patrick, 93
I Neate Street, 132
Neckinger House, 144 Neckinger Road, 57
‘ Neckinger Stream, 57, 144
Nestor Street. See Hancn’er Street New Church Road, 132, 133
, New Cross Gate, 191, 192
I New Cross Road, 190, 192, 193
I New Cross Station, 188
New Cut, 52 New Kent Road, 67, 116, 122 New King Street, 187
I New Park Road, 172, 249, 253, 254
New Road, Battersea, 246, 247
New Street, 1
Newcastle Wharf, 159
Newcomen Road, 164
Newcomen Street, 48, 54 Newington, 21, 73, 107, 114-121 Newington Butts. See Ncduington
Newington Causeway, 48, 73, 116, 117 Newington Recreation Ground, 116
Newnes, Sir George, 217, 219
Newport Street, 88
Newton’s Yard, 226
Nightingale Lane, 230, 231, 240
Nile Street, 303
Nine Elms Lane, 102, 158 Noel Street, 64
Nonsuch House, 334, 340
Norbury, 257
Norfolk House, 90
Norfolk Row, 90
Norman Road, 199
North, Lord, 4 North Park, 322
North Place, 161 North Road, 248
North Street, Clapham, 242, 243
North Street, Wandsworth, 162
North Woolwich Gardens, 307
Northcote Road, 239
Northfield, 160
Northumberland House, 351
Northumberland Terrace, 216
Norwood, 4, 5, 173-175, 261-288
Norwood, gipsies of, 271, 272
Norwood Cemetery, 272, 273
Norwood Lane, 262, 269, 270
Nunhead Cemetery, 1 76, 1 82 Nunhead Green, 183
Nunhead Grove, 182 Nunhead Lane, 182, 183
Nunhead Passage, 180, 182, 183
Nunhead Station, 182
Oak Hill Road, 161
Oakfield Road, 290
Oakley Street, 83, 87 Old Barge House Street, 52, 53 Old Cross-bones Churchyard, 43
Old Dover Road, 202
Old Fish Street Market, 359
Old Horsleydown Stairs, 142 Old Kent Road, 11,65,67, 132,193
j Old Kent Road Station, 176
‘old Road, 313
i Old Swan Stairs, 352
\ Ommaney Road, 1 9
Orb Street, 123
Ordney Street, 252
Ormiston Street, 177
Osborne, Edward, 332
“Oval,” the Kennington. 106
Overhill Road, 286, 287
Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, 2 1
Page’s Walk, 66
Paine, Tom, 304
Palace Road, 262
Palace Street, 94
Paradise Row, 90
Paradise Street, 152 Paragon, the, 203
Paris Gardens, 9, 3^, 39, S- Park Place, 208
Park Road, 128 Park Street, 37 Parkers Row, 57 Parkhurst Street, 133
Parliament, Houses of, 350
Parson’s Hill, 304
Paston, John, 59
Paxton, Sir Joseph, 280
Peckham, 176-185 Peckham Fair, 179
Peckham Grove, 129, 133, 134
Peckham New Town, i 76
Peckham Park, 185 Peckham Road, 129, 278
Peckham Rye, 176, 180, 181, 287
Pedlar’s Acre, 85, 86
Pendennis Road, 266
Penge, i, 5, 9, 289-291
Pennack Road, 178
Penn’s Almshouses, 201
Penny, John, 131 Penrose Street, 123
Pepys, Samuel, 145, 215, 216, 244,
272, 298
Pepys Road, 191
Perceval, Rt. Hon. Spencer, 206
Perry, Captain John, 327, 328
Perry Green, 295
Perry Hill, 294, 31
Peter of Colechurch, 329, 341
Peter the Great, 195
Philips, Ambrose, 75
Philpot’s Almshouses, 319, 320
Phoenix Gas Company, 35, 102
Pickle Herring Stairs, 140
Pike Gardens, 35 Pimeny Street, 193
Pitt, William, 220
Plague Pits, 37 Plough Bridge, 148
Plough Road, 148, 164, 186, 194
Plum Lane, 316
Plumstead, 6, 304-306, 315
Plumstead Common, 3 1
Plumstead Marshes, 304, 305
Plumstead River, 3 1 5 Plumstead Road, 302, 304, 315
Pocock Street, 51 Point Hill, 201, 202
Point Pleasant, 160
Pond Yard, 35 Ponsonby Road, 2 2 i
Pool, the, 353, 354
Pool River, 3 1
Pope, Sir Thomas, 61 Pope Street, 322
Poplar Walk, 174
Portinscale Road, 227
Portland Street, 123 Portsmouth Road, 219, 220
Potters’ Fields, Lambeth, 90
Potters’ Fields, Rotherhithe, 141 Pound Place, 319
Powis Street, 302
Poynder’s Road, 260
Pratt Street, 90
Price & Co.’s Candle Factory, 163, 167
Prince of Wales Road, 156
Princes Road, 1
Princes Square, 107
Princes Street, Deptford, 187, 195
Princes Street, Lambeth, 82
Princes Street, Rotherhithe, 152
Princess Road, 227
Priory Lane, 223, 224
Putney, 2, 4, 214-225
Putney, Ferry at, 214
Putney Bottom, 2 1
Putney Bridge, 214, 215, 348
Putney Bridge Road, 2 1
Putney Cemetery, 2 1
Putney Heath, 219, 220
Putney Hill, 218, 227
Putney Palace, 215, 216
Putney Park, 219
Putney Park Avenue, 224
Putney Park Lane, 225
Quaggy River, 313, 319
Queen’s Head Tea Gardens, 120
Queen’s Road, Battersea, 156, 257
Queen’s Road, Clapham, 249
Queen’s Road, Nunhead, 183, 192 Queen’s Square, 251
Quill Alley, 2 [7
Railton Road, 173
Raleigh Park, 267
Ranelagh Club, 216
Ratclifte, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, 61 Ravenna Road, 225
Ravensbourne Park Road, 3 1
Ravensbourne River, 7, 186, 188, 1 89,
201, 293, 294, 310, 311, 313
Ravensbourne Road, 189
Ravensbourne Terrace, 201 Raymond Road, 146
Rectory Grove, 242
Red Lion Street, 162
Redriflf. See Rotherhithe Reedworth Street, 88, 109
Renfrew Street, 88
Rennie, John, 81, 341, 343, 344
Rennie, Sir John, 341
Reverdy Road, 66
Richard IL, 99, 100
Richmond Park, 222, 223
Richmond Road, 161
Riley Street, 57 Roan, John, 199, 208
Roan Street, 199
Robertson Road, 251
Rochester House, Lambeth, 77, 78
Rochester House, Southwark, 3
Rodney Place, i 2 3 Rodney Road, 122, 123 Roehampton, 221-224
Koehampton House, 224
Roehampton Lane, 221, 224
Roehampton Park, 224
Rogers, John, 2
Rogers Almshouses, 170
Rolls Road, 1 3
Roman Remains, 12, 13, 14, 178,
206, 231, 263, 306, 326, 327, 341
Roper, Margaret, 6
” Rosary,” the, 141 Rose Alley, 35 Rose Theatre, 33, 35 Rosemary Branch Inn, 130
Rosendale Road, 271
Rotherhithe, 74, 135-154
Rotherhithe, Origin of Name, 135
Rotherhithe Gardens, 10 Rotherhithe New Road, 66, 131 Rotherhithe Street, 74, 149
Rotherhithe Wall, 144, 145 Rowland Hill’s Chapel, 52 Rowley Place, 80
Royal Albert Palace, 156
Royal Diversion, The. 8
Royal Hill, 201
Royal Naval School, 210
Royal Oak Yard, 56 Royal Observatory, 20S
Royal Street, 93
Royal Victoria Patriotic A%ylum for
Girls, 238
Royal Victoria \’ictualling Yard, 186, 195 Ruby Street, 176 Rushey Green, 311, 312
Ruskin, John, 270
Russell, Lord John, 266
Russell House, 225
Ruthven Road, 204
Rye Hill Park, 182 Rye Lane, 178, 180, 184
St. Alphege, Greenwich, 199
St. Catherine’s, Lewisham, 1 90
St. Crispin’s, Rotherhithe, 146
St. George’s, Battersea, 246
St. George’s, Camberwell, 132
St. George’s, Southwark, 22, 29, 41,
St. George’s, Southwark, Burial- ground, 67
St. George’s Fields, 9, 49, 77, 87
St. George’s Road, 48
St. George’s Roman Catholic Cathedral,
St. Giles’, Camberwell, 283, 284
St. Giles’ Workhouse, 183
St. Gothard Road, 272
St. Helena Road, 146
St. James’s, Bermondsey, 65
St. James’s, Camberwell, 12S
St. James’s, Rotherhithe, 145
St. James’s Grove, 130
St. James’s Road, Bermondsey, 65,
St. James’s Road, Camberwell, 131
St. James’s Road, Clapham, 232, 23S
St. John’s, Lambeth, 81
St. John’s, Lewisham, 190
St. John’s Hill, 245
St. John’s Park, 202
St. John’s Road, Battersea, 245
St. John’s Road, Penge, 289
St. Julian’s Farm Road, 263
St. Katherine’s Hospital, 354
St. Leonard’s, Streathani, 266
St. Luke’s, Charlton, 206
St. Margaret’s, Southwark, 39
St. Mark’s, Kennington, 106
St. Mary’s, Battersea, 166, 167
St. Mary’s, Greenwich, 208
St. Mary’s, Kennington, 119, 120, 121
St. Mary’s, Lambeth, 92
St. Mar>”s, Lewisham, 313
St. Mary’s, Putney, 2.1 5 St. Mar>-‘s, Rotherhithe, 151, 152
St. Mary’s Convent, Roehampton, 221
St. Mary’s Workhouse, 146
St. Mary-le-Strand House, 183
St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey,
58, 59
St. Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, 303
St. Mar)’ Overies. See 5/. Saviotir^s, Soullnuark
St. Nicholas’, Deptford, 196-198
St. Nicholas’, Plumstead, 305
St. Olave’s, Southwark, 23, 24, 137,
St. Olave’s Union, 57, 142
St. Paul’s, Clapham, 241, 242
St. Paul’s, Depiford, 188, 189
St. Peters, Walworth, 124
St. Peter’s Hospital, 246
St. Saviour’s, Southwark, 13, 21, 22,
27, 30, 46. 353
St. Saviours Dock, 14, 143
St. Saviour’s Grammar School, 36
St. Saviour’s Infirmary, 281
St. Saviour’s Union, 82
St. Thomas’s, Bermondsey, 154
St. Thomas’s Hospital, 17, 22, 29,
46, 94-97, 156
St. Thomas’s Street, 153
St. Thomas a Waterings, 1 3
Salisbury House, 351, 352
Salter’s Hill Road, 274
Samuel Morley Memorial College, 83
Sangley Road, 3 1 2 Savoy Hotel, 352
Sayer Street, i 2 2 Sayes Court, 187, 195 Seaham Wharf, i 5 9 Sedgemoor Place, 130
Sellenger’s Wharf, 137 Sevendroog Castle, 202, 317
Seymour Terrace, 290
Shad Thames Street, 142
Shakespeare, Edmund, 30
Shakespeare, William, 33
Shakespeare Road, i 74 Shakespeare Theatre, Battersea, 245
Sheepcote Lane, 252
Sheepcote Road, 165 Sheep Inn, Greenwich, 209
Shooter’s Hill, 202, 317
Shooter’s Hill Road, 202, 317
Shore, Jane, 226
Shrewsburv’, Earl of, 216
Shrewsbury Lane, 3 16
Siddons, Mrs., 220
Siebert Road, 204
Silverthome Road, 251
Simpson Street, 165
Sisters Avenue, 244, 245
Slade, the, Plumstead, 316
Sleaford Street, 246
Smedley Street, 247
Smirke, Sir Robert, 236
Smith, Alderman Henry, 3
I Snow’s Fields, 56
i Somerset House, 352
I South Bermondsey Station, 146
South Dock, 149
South – Eastern Fever and Smallpo.x
Hospital, 193
South Lambeth Road, 102, 104, 105 South London Art Gallery, 129
South Metropolitan Gas Company,
176, 178
South Place, 1 19 South Street, Greenwich, 200, 201 South Street, Walworth, 123 South Street, Wandsworth, 226, 236
South-Western Fever Hospital, 170
Southampton Street, 133
Southcott, Joanna, 117, 144
i Southend, 310
1 Southend Lane, 310, 311
Southfields, 229
Southfields Station, 22S
Southlands College, 16S Southwark, 7-56
Southwark, Abbot’s Inn, 24
Southwark, Battle Bridge, 26
Southwark, Broad Wall, 52, 53
Southwark, Causeway, II, 12, 14, 16 Southwark, Churchyard Alley, 26
Southwark, Gildable Manor, i 7 .Southwark, Guilds of, 27, 28 Southwark, Inns of, 21, 43-48
Southwark, Little Burgundy, 26
Southwark, Montague Close, 28
Southwark, Narrow Walls, 12 Southwark, Prior of Lewes’ House
26 Southwark, Queen Elizabeth’s Schools,
Southwark, Walnut Tree Court, 26
Southwark Bridge, 344
Southwark Bridge House, 24, 25 Southwark Bridge Road, 39
Southwark Fair, 39, 41, 55 Southwark Park, 74, 145, 146 Southwark Park Road, 65, 66, 145 Southwark Street, j,”], 39, 52 Southwark Vegetable Market, 36
Spa Road, Bermondsey, 58, 64, 145 Spencer Park, 238
-Spring Gardens, 2 1
Spurgeon, Rev. C. H., 117, 121, 169
Stafford Grove, 1 8 5 Stamford Street, 79, 81 Stane Street, 265
Stangate, the, 94, 97
Stangate Street, 93
.Stanstead Road, 293
Staple Street, 68
Star and Garter Hotel, Putney, 216
Stewart’s Road, 250
Stockdale Road, 247
Stockwell, 1, 2, 75, 169-171
Stockwell Green, 170
Stockwell Manor, 7;
Stockwell Orphanage, 169
Stockwell Park Road, 171
Stockwell Private Road. See London
Stockwell Road, 16, 170
Stockwell Station, 104
Stockwell Street, 177
Stockwell W^alk, 1 70
Sloney Lane, 71, 140
Stowage, The, 197, 198
Strand Bridge. See Waterloo Bridge
Strangways, 25
Streathani, i, 2, 4, 253-268
Streatham Common, 264, 265
Streatham Green, 255, 265
Streatham Hill, 262
Streatham New Cemetery, 234
Streatham Place, 249, 253
Streatham Spa, 264, 265
Stuart, Arabella, 75
Studly Road, 104
Sudlow Road, i6i
Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke
Suffolk House, 43
Suffolk Street, 39, 43 Summer Road, 130, 178-180
Summer Street, 37 Summers Town, 234
Sun Fields, 202
Sunnyhill Road, 265
Surrey Chapel. See Chriskhurch
Surrey Commercial Docks, 148 Surrey Gardens, 117
Surrey Lane, 168
Surrey Masonic Hall, 128
Surrey iVIusic Hall, 117
Surrey Row, 5 i Surrey Square, 123
Surrey Tabernacle, 125 Sussex Street, 175
Swaffield Road, 235
Swan Lane, 1 5 i Swan Street, 1 14 Swan Theatre, 31, 353
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 2 i 8 Swing Bridge Road, 149
Sydenham, i, 5, 294-296
Sydenham Hill Road, 296
Sydenham Lane, 294
Symon’s Wharf, 139
Tabard Inn, 46
Tabard Street, 68, 69, 114, 115 Talfourd Road, 2 88 Tanner Street, 56, 57, 142
Tanner’s Hill, 190
Taylor’s Lane, 295
Teck, Duchess of, 223
Telegraph Hill Park, 190
Telegraph Inn, 220
Telford Avenue, 253, 267
Temperley Road, 231
Templar Street, 128 Temple, the, 352
Tenison, Archbishop, 89, 92
Tenison’s School for Girls, 89
Thackeray, W. M., 255, 280
Thackeray’s Almshouses, 313
Thames, Roman Embankment of, 32;
Thames, Swans in, 328, 329
Thames Fisherj-, 78, 79, 355-360
Thames Road, 323-360
Thames Street, 199, 352
Thames Tunnel, 151, 345
Therapia Road, i 8
Thicket Road, 291 Thorburn Square, 66
Thornbury Road, 249
Thorney Island, 349
Thornhill, Sir James, 210, 224
Thornton, Henry, 239
Thornton Road, 253
Thorparet Road, 104
of, Thrale, Henry, 4, 37
Thrale Place, 255
Thrale Road, 257
Three Coney Walk. See Lambeth
Thurleigh Road, 240
Thurlow, Lord, 270, 276
Thurlow Park Road, 270
Tierney Road, 253
Timbs, John, 63
Tonson, Jacob, 216
Tooley Street, 9, 33, 58, 137-143
Tooley’s Stairs, 137
Tooting, 3, 4, 253-255
Tooting Bee Common, 254, 255, 259
Tooting Bee Manor, 4 Tooting Bee Road, 259
Tooting Broadway, 258
Tooting Graveney, 3, 254, 257
Topping’s Wharf, 137 Toulon Street, 127 Tower, the, 353
Tower Bridge, 344-347
Tower Subway, 140
Tradescant, John, 78, 92
Tradescant House, 105 Tradescant Road, 105
Trafalgar Inn, Greenwich, 207
Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, 207, 208
Trafalgar Road, Walworth, 124, 130
Tranquil Vale, 203
Tressillian Road, 190
Trinity Almshouses, 188, 198
Trinity Court Hall, 133
Trinity Hospital, 207
Trinity Road, Clapham, 232, 233, 238
Trinity Road, Tulse Hill, 261
Trinity Street, 1 15 Trott Street, 168
Trouville Road, 249
Trundley’s Road, 193, 194
Tucker, Crispin, 336
Tulse Hill, 173, 262
Turpin, Dick, 293
Tyers Street, 1 1
Tyler, Wat, 37, 49, 122, i^i
Tyneham Road, 252
Upper Marsh Road, 87, 93 Upper Orchard Street, 249
Upper Richmond Road, 216, 217,
Upper Tooting, 233, 259
Upper Tooting Park, 232
Upper Tulse Hill, 267
Usk Road, 164
Valley Road, 263, 265
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 204
\’anbrugh Castle, 204
Vanbrugh Park, 204
\’assall Road, 171 Vaughan’s Charity, 38
Vauxhall, Manor of, 75 Vauxhall Bridge, 10 1, 102, 343, 349
Vauxhall Creek, 102 Vauxhall Cross, loi, 102 Vauxhall Gardens, i 10, iii Vauxhall Park, 102
Vauxhall Square, i i 2 Vauxhall Stairs, iio, 113
Vauxhall Station, i i i Vauxhall Street, i 13 Vauxhall Walk, 1 1
Verney Street, 131
Versailles Road, 291
Vestry Road, 2 88 Vicarage Road, Camberwell, 129
Vicarage Road, Wandsworth, 166
Victoria Circus, i 58
Victoria Hall, 83
Victoria Place, 287
Victoria Road, Battersea, 157
Victoria Road, Charlton, 205
\’ictoria Road, Eltham, 322
Victoria Road, Putney, 227
Vine Street, 84, 85, 140
Voltaire, Frangois, 237
Union Crescent, 67 Union Grove, 247
Union Road, Clapham, 247
Union Road, Newington, 1 1
Union Road, Rotherhithe, 146, 147, 152 Union Square, 1 16 Union Street, Lambeth, 88 Union Street, Southwark, 38, 43
United St. Saviour’s Almshouses, 271 Upper Bland Street, 116
Upper Grange Road, 64, 66
Upper Kennington Lane, 109
Wadhurst Road, 246
Wagner Street, 177 Walcot Place. See Keiininglon Road
Walcot Square, 88 Walker Road, i 9
Walker’s Place, 2 1
Walnut Tree Walk, 88
Walpole, Sir Robert, 214
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 216
Walton, Izaak, 236
Walworth, 74, 122, 125 Walworth, Sir William, 122 Walworth Road, 117, 122 Wandle River, 7, 160, 162, 226, 228,
229, 234, 236, 264
Wandle Wharf, 162 Wandsworth, 2, 3, 226-240
Wandsworth Bridge, 163, 348
Wandsworth Common, 235, 238
Wandsworth Grove, 236
Wandsworth Jail, 235
Wandsworth Plain, 162, 163 Wandsworth Road, 102, 242, 243,
Wansey Street, 125 Warner Street, I I 5 Water Lane, 173, 261, 268
Watergate Street, 187 Waterloo Bridge, 79-8′, 343
Waterloo Bridge Road, 10, 81, 83 Waterloo Square, 134
Waterloo Station, 10, 83, 84
Waterloo Street, Camberwell, 129,
Watling Street, 192, 202
Watney Distillery, 163 Waverney Avenue, 182 Wavertree Road, 267
Weaver’s Lane, 141 Webb Street, 64
Webber Street, 52 Webster, George, 280
Welles, John, Lord, 332
Wellington, Duke of, 67, 156
Wellington Grove, 201 Wellington Road, 156
Wellington Street, 196 Wells Road, 295
Wells Street, 132-134
Wesley, Charles, 106
Wesley, John, 237
West Hill, Sydenham, 295
West Hill, Wandsworth, 226, 227
West Lodge, Putney, 216
West Road, Clapham, 248
West Square, Southwark, 49
Westcombe Hill, 204
Westcombe Park Road, 204
Westminster Bridge, 90, 339
Westminster Bridge Road, 50, 86,
87, 93, 342
Westmoreland Road, 123
Weston Street, 55, 56, 68, 139
Westow Hill, 274, 291 Westwood Common, 296
Wexford Road, 232
Wheatsheaf Lane, 105 White Hart Inn, Southwark, 45 White Horse, The, 163
White Lodge, 223
White Lyon Prison, 17, 22, 36, 70
White Post Lane, 177
Whitefield, George, 106
Whitehall Palace, 351 Wickham Hill, 292
Wickham Lane, 305, 315
Wickham Road, 190
Widow Smith’s Almshouses, 208
Wilberforce, William, 3, 239
Wilberforce Mission, 120
Wilcox Road, 102, 105 William L, 16 William I\’., 223, 341 Willow Walk, 66
Wimbledon Common, 220, 222
Wimbledon Park Road, 228
Winchelsea, Earl of, 156
Winchester House, 12, 17, 31, 36
Winchester Street, 31 Winchester Yard, 31 Windmill Street, 82
Wirtemberg Street, 250
Wix’s Lane, 244
Wolfe, General James, 199
Wolsey, Cardinal, 218, 219
Woodpecker Road, 192
Woodville, Elizabeth, Queen, 6r Woolwich, 6, 298-304, 306-308
Woolwich Barracks, 300
Woolwich Cemetery, 3 1 5 Woolwich Common, 206, 300, 301
Woolwich Dockyard, 298
Woolwich Road, 206, 207, 213
Woolwich Royal Arsenal, 301, 302,
Woolwich Royal Military Academy,
300, 301
Wordsworth, William, 304
Worple Road, 217 Worple Way, 162, 163
Wotton Road, 187 Wren, Sir Christopher, 145, 209, 243,
Wren Road, 283
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 333
Wyndham Street, 127 Wyvil Road, 102
York House, Battersea, 164 York House, Strand, 351 York Road, Lambeth, S3, 84
York Road, Tulse Hill, 262
York Road, Wandsworth, 162, 163
165 York Street, 87
Zoar Street, 37

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