Mile End to Stepney Green walk

This walk starts at Mile End station – emerge onto Mile End Road.

I took a little detour around the back streets of Eric Street and Wentworth Mews, which gets us to Burdett Road. Walk back to the junction and continue along Mile End Road in the London direction.

Once under the Green Bridge, we are surrounded with the largest area of parkland which were former streets in London – Burdett Road Park (south of Mile End Road) and Mile End Park (north).

Whitman Road – with the pub called the Cherry on the corner – is very nearly the final ‘ungreened’ street amongst all the other demolitions. Continue along Mile End Road to ‘Globe Bridge’.

Opposite Harford Street was the Peoples’ Palace. This is now part of Queen Mary University.

Mile End Place follows

Retrace back to Mile End Road and end at Stepney Green station.



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