Lombard Estate | Survey of London: Battersea Bartlett School of Architecture/UCL |
Battersea Park |
This article appears courtesy of the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London
Used with permission. © English Heritage 2013
Redevelopment for housing of the riverside sites along Lombard Road and York Roads began in the early 1980s with Broadwell Land’s seven-acre Plantation Wharf in York Road, a thicket of brick-faced, low-rise buildings and the similarly styled but multi-storey Trades Tower.
Intended as offices, the tower was still untenanted when the developers went into receivership in 1990, and in 1993 was converted to apartments by Try Homes.
In the late 1980s Groveside Court was built on the sites of several small wharves and the White Hart public house at the north end of Lombard Road, adjoining Vicarage Gardens. Designed by Lee Denham Architects for Groveside Homes, it provided 36 flats, The Chandler pub, now a restaurant, and houseboat moorings at Albion Quay in front.
Subsequent schemes, all south of the railway and outside the planning constraints of the old village area, have become increasingly large and showy.