Westbourne Park to Royal Oak walk

If you walked between these two stations the usual way, the walk would be a bit blighted by the Westway running over your head nearly the whole way.

But there’s a much more interesting walk via the canal. Leave Westbourne Park station, cross the road by any means possible and once past the Westbourne Park Bus Garage, follow the sloping road down to the canal – here locally known as ‘The Cut’. You’ll pass some exciting, if smelly workshops as you do.

If you can now see the canalside garden of the Union Tavern, you’re in the right place. If so, turn right.

The route along the canal for a mile or so is rather pleasant – the Westway won’t be too far away. The amazing curve it makes sandwiched between road and canal above is quite impressive.

But you’re away from the noise of that road – if you’re in the right season, enjoy the birdsong.

The first bridge reached is that of the Harrow Road. Leave the canal and walk up to it.

If you wish to reach Royal Oak station quickly, turn right. I chose to walk at random through the streets to the north of the Harrow Road until I got to Westbourne Green Open Space which is opposite Royal Oak station.

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