Elsiemaud Road was built in the late 1890s on the site of the farmhouse of Joy Farm.
Elsiemaud Road was part of a group of roads that are better known today as the ’double name’ roads - Amyruth, Arthurdon, Francemary, Gordonbrock, Henryson Phoebeth and Elsiemaud. The development was part of what was known as the ‘Bridge House Farm Estate’.
The Daily Telegraph & Courier reported on 28 April 1899: ‘Some amusement was caused at a meeting of the Lewisham Board of Works, when the following list of names of new thoroughfares was read by the chairman: Phoebeth, Francemary, Arthurdon, Gordonbrock, Amyruth, Henryson, Elsiemaud, Huxbear and Abbotswell streets. One member described the names as the most ridiculous he had ever heard. Another pointed out that the London County Council objected to two streets of the same name in the Metropolis, and it was difficult to invent new appellations.’
The estate was built in 1899 by the Heath family and were named after the first and second names of the children of the architect and surveyor for the estate, Henry Hewitt Bridgman.
Until 1932, Elsiemaud Road was called Elsiemaud Street.
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