Beehive Close, UB10

Road in/near Hillingdon

(51.54629 -0.46201, 51.546 -0.462) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · UB10 ·
Beehive Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area

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102474, UB10 Bader Way is named after flying ace, Sir Douglas Bader (Uxbridge)
Beehive Close, UB10 Beehive Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Blossom Way, UB10 Blossom Way is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Hillingdon)
Bowling Close, UB10 Bowling Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Brookside, UB10 Brookside is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Chadwick Gardens, UB8 A street within the UB8 postcode (Hillingdon)
Chapter Close, UB10 Chapter Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Chestwood Grove, UB10 Chestwood Grove is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Constantine Place, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (Hillingdon)
Cowslip Close, UB10 Cowslip Close is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Hillingdon)
Croft Close, UB10 Croft Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Crosby Gardens, UB8 Crosby Gardens lies at the end of Thomas Drive (Uxbridge)
Dean Close, UB10 Dean Close is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Hillingdon)
Dowding Road, UB10 Dowding Road is named after Hugh Dowding, the leader of the RAF during the Battle of Britain (Hillingdon)
Finians Close, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (Hillingdon)
Giles Crescent, UB10 Giles Crescent was named for Betty Giles (Hillingdon)
Gossage Road, UB10 Leslie Gossage was Inspector-General of the RAF and Air Member for Personnel (Hillingdon)
Gray’s Road, UB8 Gray’s Road was an original road of RAF Uxbridge (Uxbridge)
Haymaker Close, UB10 Haymaker Close lies off Honey Hill (Hillingdon)
Hazelcroft Close, UB10 Hazelcroft Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Honey Hill, UB10 Honey Hill is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Honeycroft Hill, UB10 Honeycroft Hill runs east from Park Road (Uxbridge)
Hornchurch Road, UB10 Hornchurch Road is part of the redevelopment of RAF Uxbridge (Uxbridge)
Hyacinth Drive, UB10 Hyacinth Drive is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Itea Court, UB8 Itea Court is a residential block (Uxbridge)
Keith Park Road, UB10 Keith Park was leader of No. 11 Group RAF, which was coordinated nearby, in what is now the Battle of Britain Bunker of the former RAF Uxbridge (Hillingdon)
Laurel Court, UB10 A street within the UB8 postcode (Hillingdon)
Lindie Gardens, UB8 Lindie Gardens leads off Worrall Lane (Uxbridge)
Masterman Place, UB10 Masterman Place runs along the northern edge of the former RAF Uxbridge (Uxbridge)
Morris Avenue, UB8 Morris Avenue is the northern extension of North Way (Hillingdon)
Moxon Place, UB10 Moxon Place was named for Joan Moxon (Hillingdon)
Newall Close, UB10 Newall Close was named after Air Chief Marshal, Sir Cyril Newall, GCB, OM, CC, MG (Hillingdon)
North Way, UB10 North Way runs north from Honeycroft Hill (Hillingdon)
Partridge Close, UB10 Partridge Close commemorates Wing Commander Edna Partridge OBE, AE, DL (Hillingdon)
Portal Close, UB10 Portal Close was built near the site of the former RAF Uxbridge (Hillingdon)
Portman Gardens, UB10 Portman Gardens is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Hillingdon)
Saunders Road, UB10 Saunders Road commemorates Hugh Saunders, former Chief of Staff for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. (Hillingdon)
Squirrels Close, UB10 Squirrels Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
St Andrews Road, UB10 St Andrews Road is named after St Andrew’s Church Hillingdon, consecrated in 1865 (Hillingdon)
Sweetcroft Lane, UB10 Sweetcroft Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Hillingdon)
Sweetcroft Lane, UB10 Sweetcroft Lane is a road in the UB8 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Sylvana Close, UB10 Sylvana Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Tedder Close, UB10 Arthur Tedder was the Air Officer commanding RAF Middle East Command during the Second World War (Hillingdon)
The Chestnuts, UB10 The Chestnuts is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Uxbridge)
Vine Grove, UB10 Vine Grove is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)
Worrall Lane, UB8 Worrall Lane leads off Morris Avenue (Uxbridge)
Yew Tree Road, UB10 Yew Tree Road is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Hillingdon)

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