Truefitt & Hill products

(51.5058 -0.1388, 51.505 -0.138) 

Truefitt & Hill products

Truefitt & Hill is the oldest barbershop in the world, as certified by Guinness Book of World Records in April 2000.

Truefitt was established in 1805 by William Francis Truefitt. Truefitt styled himself as hairdresser to the British Royal Court and the firm received their first Royal Warrant from King George III.

In 1911, Edwin Hill set up a barber shop on Old Bond Street, also near the royal neighbourhoods in London and it was to this address H.P. Truefitt (William's nephew) moved in 1935 to create Truefitt & Hill.

The present location of Truefitt & Hill at 71 St James's Street, was taken up in 1994.

Attribution: Wiki Commons/psd

Licence: Not known