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(51.42969 -0.01725, 51.429 -0.017) 

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Dowanhill Road, SE6
TUM image id: 1467036836
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Whitefoot Lane, BR1
TUM image id: 1466526348
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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Swallands Road on the London County Council"s Bellingham cottage estate. Houses had small front and larger back gardens. The pavements were wide, giving space for children to play, at a time when there was less traffic on the roads.
Old London postcard

Bellingham Library, Oakview Road (1960) The residents of Bellingham had to wait a long time for their library - it was opened in 1949. It closed in 1963 following the opening of Bromley Road Library, which in turn was replaced by the Catford Library in 1991.
Credit: Borough of Lewisham