Area photos

(51.55902 -0.21556, 51.559 -0.215) 

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Cricklewood Broadway (1933) The Smiths clock factory was a major employer in NW2

Cotswold Gardens, looking east (2020)
Credit: Wiki Commons/Orris80
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Cricklewood from "Stanford’s Library Map Of London And Its Suburbs 1872"
Credit: Edward Stanford

A line of three new LGOC B-type buses (route 1) stand ready for service, with their crews, at Cricklewood bus garage (1911) The new B-type bus was the world’s first mass-produced motorised bus, introduced in 1910 by Frank Searle. A bus inspector stands at the right foreground.
Credit: London Transport Museum
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Cricklewood Broadway (1957) Absolutely nothing so special about this photo - Sainsbury’s, Boots, Woolworth’s in a line - but just a remark that sometime in the 1970s, shopfronts changed their look from the formal and staid postwar incarnation to something a lot more “tatty” with bright colours and a lack of a thought-out arrangement of the whole look and feel of a high street.

Rockhall Terrace (c. 1900) This was once was situated along the Edgware Road in Cricklewood but it was demolished in 1905, making way for a telephone exchange and an ice skating rink.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Rockhall Terrace once was situated along the Edgware Road in Cricklewood
Licence: CC BY 2.0