Area photos

(51.53313 -0.16689, 51.533 -0.166) 

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Swiss Cottage
TUM image id: 1683138178

In the neighbourhood...

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A photographer called Iain Macmillan was a friend of John and Yoko and, during the morning of Friday 8 August 1969 found himself commissioned to take a photo of the Fab Four to adorn their latest studio release, an album called ’Abbey Road’. As the group waited outside the studio for the shoot to begin, Linda McCartney took a number of extra photographs.
Credit: Apple Corps

The oldest parts of the Barrow Hill Estate in St John’s Wood date from 1937
Credit: GoArt/The Underground Map

Abbey lodge as it appeared on the 1872 Ordnance Survey map. It faces Park Road with Hanover Gate to its north and Hanover Terrace behind.
Credit: Crown Copyright (expired)

Cochrane Street, St John’s Wood (1958) From the episode ’Radioactive’ of the TV series ’Dial 999’,
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Allitsen Road, NW8 was named after Frances Allitsen, a songwriter. During the Boer War, she composed the then-popular ’There’s A Land’.
Credit: GoArt/The Underground Map