Area photos

(51.494 -0.234, 51.494 -0.234) 

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Shepherd's Bush Road, W6
TUM image id: 1488542121
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Ravenscourt Park
Credit: IG/elaiineowe
TUM image id: 1653861576
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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Shepherd's Bush Road, W6
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Ravenscourt Park
Credit: IG/elaiineowe
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Cambridge Road (now Cambridge Grove) during the Edwardian period. A District Line train is crossing the bridge.

Carthew Road, Hammersmith (1920s) Carthew Road was originally part of an agricultural area called Bradford Fords This was known for its orchards and vegetable beds in the 18th century and was irrigated by Stamford Brook. The arrival of the Hammersmith & City Railway in 1864 greatly accelerated development and by the 1890s, Carthew Road was fully built up.

Glenthorne Road looking east towards St John’s Church (1901)
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Charlotte House, Hammersmith stands on the location of The Cannon pub, pictured here in 1900
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The Cannon Inn on Queen Charlotte Street (1952) The road to the right was Ship Lane - showing houses on the street ready for demolition, along with Ship Lane itself.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The junction of Glenthorne Road and Cambridge Road (now Cambridge Grove), 1909 The driver of the 133 tram is adjusting the rear indicator blind ready for the journey to Kew Bridge.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Aspen Gardens, W6 (2013) Aspen Gardens was an immediate post-war project building two 6-storey blocks
Credit: Geograph/David Anstiss

The Cannon, 80 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith (1906)