Area photos

(51.5137722 -0.1802908, 51.513 -0.18) 

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The Bayswater Conduit in 1798.
TUM image id: 1490459429
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Bayswater Road sign
TUM image id: 1682605971
Bayswater Road
TUM image id: 1552860722
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Chilworth Street, W2
TUM image id: 1483806751
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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The Bayswater Conduit in 1798.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

A GWR 4073 Class locomotive waits to depart Paddington Station, adjacent to Brunel’s cast-iron Bishop’s Bridge road bridge, in April 1962.
Credit: Wiki Commons/Ben Brooksbank

Bayswater Road sign

Bayswater Road
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Chilworth Street, W2
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Westbourne Terrace Road bridge - the northern end of Westbourne Terrace Road Through the bridge, and some 13 miles (but no locks) later, you will arrive at Bulls Bridge Junction on the Grand Union main line.
Credit: IG/NeilClifton

Westway construction making its way along the Harrow Road (1960s)
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Queen’s Road Station, Bayswater (c. 1916)
Credit: Walter Richard Sickert (1860–1942)

A recreation of Bayswater around 1800 showing the former fields and their names. Blackman’s Lane at first became Queen’s Road and finally Queensway.
Credit: The Underground Map

An 1800-era map of the future area of Bayswater I walked across the area depicted on this map (which is one of mine, featured on My modern walk went from Bayswater station to Paddington station in as straight a line as I could achieve through the streetscape. But to be fair to the street designers, back in 1800 I’d have been climbing hedges and jumping across the River Westbourne. Video:
Credit: The Underground Map