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(51.46883 -0.0666, 51.468 -0.066) 

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TUM image id: 1630363665

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Prince Albert, Consort Road SE15 (1902) In a fit of inappropriate renaming, the Prince Albert was renamed ’The Shergar’ in 1981 and then the ’Spotted Frog’ in 1998. Later it became a delicatessen and a restaurant.

Group setting off from the Kentish Drovers pub, Peckham (1920) This was located opposite the later, Wetherspoons, incarnation of the pub.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Bellenden Road, Peckham (2011) Bellenden Road was laid out along with neighbouring streets from the 1870s on what had formerly been largely fruit gardens serving the City of London.
Credit: Geograph/Malc McDonald
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The scene after a car smashed into a house in Hooks Road, SE15 (1950) No. Not the tiny car
Credit: Frank Hudson/Associated News

Choumert Square Choumert Square is reputedly London’s smallest square. It consists of small Victorian houses that were infilled a garden of a Rye Lane house in the c 1870s. It is now a car-free cul-de-sac off of Choumert Grove and was built as a row of one-bedroom cottages without back gardens. Each cottage has a small front garden which are generally well-tended. While called a ’square’, it is more of a lane which has a community of residents which opens itself for a summer Open Day once every year.

Peckham Rye station began operating in 1865, with an open square in front. It was designed by the noted Victorian architect Charles Henry Driver, who also designed some of London’s great pumping stations. It is unknown whether Driver was also a fan of billiards - opportunities to play on the green baize seem to dominate the station whether by design or accident. The image features a huge group of men. It’s also unknown if they are the station’s many billiards players gathered for a group photo.