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(51.428774 -0.092674, 51.428 -0.092) 

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A freight train from Willesden to Norwood Yard passing West Norwood Station, April 1963
Credit: Brian Stephenson

Robert Gerard House is on the Vincennes Estate, West Norwood.
Credit: GoArt/The Underground Map

Violette Szabo GC (née Bushell) 1921-1945. Violette Szabo House in London SE27 is named after a Special Operations Executive agent during the Second World War and a posthumous recipient of the George Cross. On her second mission into occupied France, Szabo was captured by the German army, interrogated, tortured and deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany, where she was executed.
Credit: Imperial War Museum

Lilian Rolfe House, SE27 is named after a French resistance heroine.
Credit: Imperial War Museum