Area photos

(51.4704322 -0.0083694, 51.47 -0.008) 

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Crooms Hill (1937)
TUM image id: 1657290361
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Gloucester Circus (1960s)
TUM image id: 1657291606
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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Crooms Hill (1937)
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Lewisham Road with a crew rushing to a fire

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched into orbit on 24 April 1990. Viewed from the HST, the Horsehead Nebula is located just next to Orion’s belt. This cloud of dust and gas is a region where stars are forming. When viewed in visible light the Horsehead appears dark, a cosmic chess piece silhouetted against pink and red glowing gas. In infrared light, as in this image, the dust becomes visible, delicate billows of clouds surrounding baby stars just getting their start in the Universe.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Mars and Phobos
Credit: NASA

Sun and Earth
Credit: Luca Parmitano/ESA

Our Solar System to scale
Credit: Robert Zicher

NASA’s Curiosity landed on Mars in August 2012. JPL engineers are seen here celebrating the successful landing.
Credit: NASA

Satellites reveal the Arctic at night - composite image of night lights above 60°N (with the Arctic Circle also included for reference), as imaged in April and October 2012 with SUOMI NPP’s Day/Night Band
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory / Cryopolitics
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The MESSENGER probe took the most detailed photo of Mercury hitherto during 2013
Credit: NASA

A coronal mass ejection (CME) erupts on the Sun.
Credit: NASA