Closemead Close, HA6

Road in/near Northwood

(51.61296 -0.43726, 51.612 -0.437) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · HA6 ·
Closemead Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex.

TIP: To see an article about a particular location, click one of the markers on the map.

Birch Court, HA6 Birch Court is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Brackenhill House, HA6 Residential block
Buttsmead, HA6 Buttsmead is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Cedar Place, HA6 Cedar Place is a location in London
Chelwood Close, HA6 Chelwood Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Closemead Close, HA6 Closemead Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
College Way, HA6 College Way is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Cygnet Close, HA6 Cygnet Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Dell Court, HA6 A street within the HA6 postcode
Dene Road, HA6 Dene Road is a road in the form of a large crescent
Ducks Hill Road, HA6 Ducks Hill Road is a location in London
Duck’s Hill Road, HA6 Duck’s Hill Road connects Northwood and Ruislip
Dyke Cottages, HA6 Dyke Cottages is a location in London
Eaton Gate, HA6 Eaton Gate is a cul-de-sac off of The Avenue
Elmsdene Mews, HA6 A street within the HA6 postcode
Fairfield Close, HA6 Fairfield Close is a location in London
Firs Walk, HA6 Firs Walk is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Gateway Close, HA6 Gateway Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Harrison Close, HA6 Harrison Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
High Elms Close, HA6 High Elms Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Hill Road, HA6 Hill Road runs between Dene Road and Moor Park Road
Kewferry Road, HA6 Kewferry Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Langland Court, HA6 Langland Court lies south of The Avenue
Mallard Way, HA6 Mallard Way is one of a series of witty road names which are all turnings off of Duck’s Hill Road
Merrows Close, HA6 Merrows Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Mezen Close, HA6 Mezen Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Moray House, HA6 Moray House is a location in London
Muscovy Place, HA6 A street within the HA6 postcode
Myrtleside Close, HA6 Myrtleside Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Northgate, HA6 Northgate is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Opulens Place, HA6 Opulens Place lies off Duck’s Hill Road
Park Farm House, HA6 Park Farm House is a location in London
Rickmansworth Road, HA6 Rickmansworth Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Rising Hill Close, HA6 Rising Hill Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Sandhurst Court, HA6 Sandhurst Court is a location in London
Sherborne Place, HA6 Sherborne Place is a location in London
Tanworth Close, HA6 Tanworth Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
The Avenue, HA6 The Avenue may date back to the 1890s
The Elms, HA6 The Elms is a location in London
The Glen, HA6 The Glen is a road in the HA6 postcode area
The Larches, HA6 The Larches is a location in London
Thirlmere Gardens, HA6 Thirlmere Gardens is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
True Lovers Court, HA6 True Lovers Court is a location in London
Wedgewood Close, HA6 Wedgewood Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Welcote Drive, HA6 Welcote Drive is a location in London
Westminster Close, HA6 Westminster Close is a location in London
Wildwood, HA6 Wildwood is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Woodlea Grove, HA6 Woodlea Grove is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex

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