Shaftesbury Crescent, Staines, Middlesex

Road in/near Staines

(51.42178 -0.48131, 51.421 -0.481) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · TW18 ·
Shaftesbury Crescent is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district.

TIP: This website features a series of maps from the 1750s until the 1950s. You can see how London grows over the decades by accessing the different maps (use the widget at the top right of the map).

Abbot Close, TW18 Abbot Close is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Arnold Road, TW18 Arnold Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Ashford Road, TW18 Ashford Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Berryscroft Road, TW18 Berryscroft Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Bingham Drive, TW18 Bingham Drive is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Booth Drive, TW18 Booth Drive is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Brightside Avenue, TW18 Brightside Avenue is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Charles Road, TW18 Charles Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Edinburgh Drive, TW18 Edinburgh Drive is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Elizabeth Avenue, TW18 Elizabeth Avenue is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Fielde End, TW18 Fielde End is a location in London (Staines)
Gloucester Crescent, TW18 Gloucester Crescent is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Green, TW18 Green is a location in London (Staines)
Greene Fielde End, TW18 Greene Fielde End is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Honnor Road, TW18 Honnor Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Kent Close, TW18 Kent Close is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Kings Close, TW18 Kings Close is a location in London (Staines)
Lucan Drive, TW18 Lucan Drive is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Matthew Arnold Close, TW18 Matthew Arnold Close is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Middle Green, TW18 Middle Green is a location in London (Staines)
Monks Way, TW18 Monks Way is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Philip Road, TW18 Philip Road is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
Scout Hut, TW15 Scout Hut is a location in London (Staines)
Shaftesbury Crescent, TW18 Shaftesbury Crescent is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Staines)
Thickthorne Lane, TW18 Thickthorne Lane is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)
York Close, TW18 York Close is a road in the TW18 postcode area (Staines)

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