Shirehall Park, NW4

Road in/near Hendon Central

(51.57957 -0.215, 51.579 -0.215) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · NW4 ·
Shirehall Park is a street in Hendon.

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Hendon Park Hendon Park, totalling 12 hectares, between Queens Road (formerly Butchers Lane) and Shire Hall Lane was created by Hendon Urban District Council in 1903.
Renters Farm Near to where Brent Cross Shopping Centre is today was a farm called Renter’s.

Bethel Close, NW4 Bethel Close is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon)
Beverley Gardens, NW11 Beverley Gardens was part of an Edwardian development (Golders Green)
Brent Court, NW11 Brent Court lies off Highfield Avenue (Brent Cross)
Brent Cross Gardens, NW4 Brent Cross Gardens was a new section of road, built at the same time as the Brent Cross Flyover (Brent Cross)
Brentfield Gardens, NW11 Brentfield Gardens is a road in the NW11 postcode area (Brent Cross)
Clive Lodge, NW11 Clive Lodge is a block next to Brent Cross Flyover (Brent Cross)
Cooper Road, NW4 Cooper Road sits on the pre-1965 alignment of Hendon Way (Brent Cross)
Danescroft, NW4 Danescroft is a green surrounded by blocks (Hendon)
Denehurst Gardens, NW4 Denehurst Gardens is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Elm Close, NW4 Elm Close is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Elm Park Gardens, NW4 Elm Park Gardens is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Elms Avenue, NW4 Elms Avenue is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Golders Manor Drive, NW11 Both Golders Manor Drive and Heather Gardens were laid out in 1908 but were only developed after the Second World War (Golders Green)
Haley Road, NW4 Haley Road runs along a sliproad from Hendon Way (Hendon Central)
Haslemere Avenue, NW4 Haslemere Avenue is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Heather Gardens, NW11 Heather Gardens was a proposed road as early as 1908 (Golders Green)
Heathfield Gardens, NW11 Heathfield Gardens was proposed as a through route allowing a short cut from Hendon Way via Highfield Avenue to the North Circular Road (Brent Cross)
Highfield Avenue, NW11 Highfield Avenue runs between Golders Green Road and Hendon Way (Brent Cross)
Highfield Court, NW11 Highfield Court is a 1935-built block on Highfield Road (Golders Green)
Highfield Gardens, NW11 Highfield Gardens was built in the grounds of a large house called Highfields (Golders Green)
Highfield Road, NW11 Highfield Road is a street in Golders Green (Golders Green)
James Close, NW11 James Close is a street in Golders Green (Golders Green)
Limes Avenue, NW11 Limes Avenue dates from 1906 (Golders Green)
Mayfield Gardens, NW4 Mayfield Gardens is a street in Hendon (Hendon Central)
Park View Gardens, NW4 Park View Gardens is a street in Hendon (Hendon Central)
Prince Charles Drive, NW4 Prince Charles Drive is a street in Hendon (Brent Cross)
Princes Parade, NW11 Princes Parade is a parade of shops at the junction of Golders Green Road and Golders Manor Drive (Golders Green)
Princes Park Avenue, NW11 Princes Park Avenue is in Temple Fortune (Temple Fortune)
Queens Road, NW4 Queens Road was formerly known as Butcher’s Lane (Hendon Central)
Renters Avenue, NW4 Renters Avenue lies on the land of the former Renter’s Farm (Hendon Central)
Riverside Drive, NW11 Riverside Drive is a location in London (Golders Green)
Russell Parade, NW11 Russell Parade is a shopping area at the junction of Golders Green Road and Highfield Avenue (Golders Green)
Shirehall Close, NW4 Shirehall Close is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Shirehall Gardens, NW4 Shirehall Gardens is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon Central)
Shirehall Lane, NW4 Shirehall Lane is a street in Hendon (Hendon Central)
Shirehall Park, NW4 Shirehall Park is a street in Hendon (Hendon Central)
Sinclair Grove, NW11 Sinclair Grove runs from Western Avenue to Golders Green Road (Brent Cross)
Spalding Road, NW4 Spalding Road is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Brent Cross)
St Marys Road, NW11 St Mary’s Road was completed in 1914, just before the First World War (Brent Cross)
Station Approach, NW11 Station Approach is a street in Golders Green (Brent Cross)
The Drive, NW11 The Drive is a street in Golders Green (Golders Green)
Western Avenue, NW11 Western Avenue is a road which dates from the period just after the First World War (Brent Cross)
Woodburn Close, NW4 Woodburn Close is a road in the NW4 postcode area (Hendon)
Woodlands, NW11 Woodlands is a street in Golders Green (Golders Green)
Woodville Road, NW11 Woodville Road is a road in the NW11 postcode area (Brent Cross)

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