Sinclair Grove runs from Western Avenue to Golders Green Road.
The accompanying photo dating from 1908 is a view of The Homestead from the end of the unfinished Sinclair Grove.
The area was transformed from the year 1907 onwards. The opening of the underground as far as Golders Green crossroads that year caused the rapid transformation from farmland to suburb. Ribbon development along the main road got as far as Highfield Avenue by the end of 1907 and continued as far as the River Brent by 1912.
This photo epitomises that transformation - we see the end of Sinclair Grove with the unnamed Western Avenue awaiting their houses. Meanwhile, across the fields we can still see "The Homestead" - a large house down a track from Golders Green Road until that year but now being dismantled.
The fields beyond remained in place until after the First World War.
Then the Northern Line was extended to Edgware in the early 1920s and the last of the countryside around Brent Cross disappeared under the tracks of the bulldozers.
Simon Schama, the historian, lived in Sinclair Grove during his youth.
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