Barnet Way, WD6

Road in/near Arkley

(51.64172 -0.25605, 51.641 -0.256) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · WD6 ·
Barnet Way is a road in the WD6 postcode area

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Froghall Cottages Frog Hall Cottages were built in the late 1860s along Barnet Lane.
Manor Farm Manor Farm was originally a farm in Boreham Wood.
Stirling Corner Stirling Corner is the road junction of the A1 Barnet Bypass and Barnet Lane.

Arkley Park, EN5 Arkley Park is a road in the EN5 postcode area (Arkley)
Barnet Way, WD6 Barnet Way is a road in the WD6 postcode area (Arkley)
Cobb Close, WD6 This is a street in the WD6 postcode area (Borehamwood)
Connemara Close, WD6 Connemara Close is a road in the WD6 postcode area (Borehamwood)
Elstree Park, WD6 Elstree Park is a mobile home park (Borehamwood)
Farriers Way, WD6 Farriers Way was built on the site of the former Home of Rest for Horses (Borehamwood)
Froghall Cottages, WD6 Froghall Cottages is a location in London (Borehamwood)
Hunter Close, WD6 Hunter Close is a road in the WD6 postcode area (Borehamwood)
Hyver Hill, EN5 Hyver Hill is an exclusive road off of the Barnet By Pass near Stirling Corner (Mill Hill)
Hyver Hill, NW7 Hyver Hill is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Percheron Road, WD6 Percheron Road like many roads on the site of the Home of Rest for Horses has an equine theme (Borehamwood)
Pinto Close, WD6 This is a street in the WD6 postcode area (Borehamwood)
Saddlers Close, WD6 This is a street in the WD6 postcode area (Borehamwood)
Saddlers Path, WD6 Saddlers Path is a location in London (Borehamwood)
Sadlers Close, WD6 Sadlers Close is a location in London (Borehamwood)
Shetland Close, WD6 Shetland Close, like other roads on the ’Horses Home’ estate was named after a breed of horse (Borehamwood)

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