Pretoria Road, KT16

Road in/near Chertsey

(51.38575 -0.50915, 51.385 -0.509) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · KT16 ·
Pretoria Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area

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Abbots Way, KT16 Abbots Way is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Airskil House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Barker Close, KT16 Barker Close is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Barker Road, KT16 Barker Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Barrsbrook Farm Road, KT16 Barrsbrook Farm Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Bell Bridge Road, KT16 Bell Bridge Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Bolen Mews, KT15 Bolen Mews is a road near Chertsey (Chertsey)
Brooklands, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Byfleet House, KT16 Byfleet House is a block on Guildford Road (Chertsey)
Cerotus Place, KT16 Cerotus Place is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Charles House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Charles Street, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Chertsey Boulevard, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Collingwood Court, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Cowley Lane, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Crest House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Crown Rise, KT16 Crown Rise is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Eastworth Road, KT16 Eastworth Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Elm Tree Close, KT16 Elm Tree Close is a location in London (Chertsey)
Fox Court, KT16 Fox Court is a block on Fox Lane North (Chertsey)
Fox House, KT16 Fox House is sited on Fox Lane North (Chertsey)
Fox Lane North, KT16 Fox Lane North is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Fox Lane South, KT16 Fox Lane South is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Galleon House, KT16 Galleon House is a block on Guildford Road (Chertsey)
Guildford Road Runnymede, KT16 Guildford Road is a main road leading southwest out of Chertsey (Chertsey)
Guildford Street, KT16 Guildford Street is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Hamilton Close, KT16 Hamilton Close is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Hanworth Lane, KT16 Hanworth Lane is a road in the KT15 postcode area (Chertsey)
Hanworth Lane, KT16 Hanworth Lane is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Highcross Place, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Highfield Road, KT16 Highfield Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Kennett Lane, KT16 Kennett Lane is a location in London (Chertsey)
King Street, KT16 King Street is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Knoll Park Road, KT16 Knoll Park Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Laburnum Road, KT16 Laburnum Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Latour House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Leigh Mews, KT16 Leigh Mews is a location in London (Chertsey)
Liberty House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
London Orbital Motorway, KT16 London Orbital Motorway is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
M25, KT16 M25 is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Medland Mews, KT16 Medland Mews is a location in London (Chertsey)
Mill House, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Oldbury Road, KT16 Oldbury Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Pannells Close, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Pretoria Road, KT16 Pretoria Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Queen Street, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Rushmon Court, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Salesian Gardens, KT16 Salesian Gardens is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
St John’s Way, KT15 St John’s Way is a turning off of Eastworth Road (Chertsey)
St. Catherines Mews, KT16 A street within the KT16 postcode (Chertsey)
Station Road, KT16 Station Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
The Knoll, KT16 The Knoll is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Victory Road, KT16 Victory Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Vincent Road, KT16 Vincent Road is a road in the KT16 postcode area (Chertsey)
Weybrook Drive, KT16 A street within the GU4 postcode (Chertsey)

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