Foxholes, KT13

Road in/near Weybridge

(51.36652 -0.43632, 51.366 -0.436) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · KT13 ·
Foxholes is a road in the KT13 postcode area

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Aldenholme, KT13 Aldenholme lies off of Ellesmere Road (Weybridge)
Bladen Close, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Brackenhurst, KT13 Brackenhurst is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Brackley, KT13 Brackley is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Bridgewater Road, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Brockley Combe, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Burcote, KT13 Burcote is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Clevedon, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Ellesmere Place, KT12 A street within the KT12 postcode (Hersham)
Fairlawn, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Fox Close, KT13 Fox Close is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Foxholes, KT13 Foxholes is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Gower Road, KT13 Gower Road is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Grange Court, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Haines Court, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Hall Place Drive, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Heatherfield Lane, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Herons Croft, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
High Beeches, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
High Pine Close, KT13 High Pine Close is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Howard Place, KT13 Howard Place is a location in London (Weybridge)
Kenwood Park, KT13 Kenwood Park is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Landmark Court, KT13 Landmark Court can be found on Prince’s Road (Weybridge)
Millbrook, KT13 Millbrook is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Mixbury Grove, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Netherby Park, KT13 Netherby Park is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Netherby Park, KT13 Netherby Park is a road in the KT12 postcode area (Weybridge)
Oatlands Avenue, KT13 Oatlands Avenue is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Oatlands Avenue, KT13 Oatlands Avenue is a road in the KT12 postcode area (Weybridge)
Oatlands Close, KT13 This is a street in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Ormonde Place, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Paynetts Court, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Pine Court Lodge, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Selborne Place, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Sorbie Close, KT13 Sorbie Close is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
St George’s Close, KT13 Saint George’s Close is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
St George’s Lodge, KT13 Saint George’s Lodge is on Queen’s Road (Weybridge)
St George’s Road, KT13 Saint George’s Road runs north from Gower Road (Weybridge)
Virginia Close, KT13 Virginia Close is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Warrenhurst Gardens, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Weybridge House, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Winterbourne Grove, KT13 Winterbourne Grove is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)
Woodland Close, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Woodland Grove, KT13 A street within the KT13 postcode (Weybridge)
Woodland Way, KT13 Woodland Way is a road in the KT13 postcode area (Weybridge)

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