Forge Close, UB3

Road in/near Harlington

(51.48843 -0.43561, 51.488 -0.435) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · UB3 ·
Forge Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area

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Bletchmore Close, UB3 Bletchmore Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Brickfield Lane, UB3 Brickfield Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
Cranford Lane, UB3 Cranford Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
Croft Close, UB3 Croft Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Eastfield Cottages, UB3 Eastfield Cottages were in the north of Harlington
Fellowes Court, UB3 A street within the UB3 postcode (Harlington)
Forge Close, UB3 Forge Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area (Harlington)
Gilpin Way, UB3 A street within the UB3 postcode
High Street, UB3 High Street is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
Hudson Road, UB3 Hudson Road is a road in the UB3 postcode area (Harlington)
Kiln Close, UB3 A street within the UB3 postcode
Manor Lane, UB3 Manor Lane is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Manse Close, UB3 Manse Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Oakley Court 80a The Crescent, UB3 A street within the UB3 postcode
Pembury Court, UB3 Pembury Court lies off of the High Street
Pondside Close, UB3 Pondside Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Providence Lane, UB3 Providence Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
Richards Close, UB3 Richards Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
Shortlands, UB3 Shortlands is a road in the UB3 postcode area
St Peters Way, UB3 St Peters Way was created in 1962 after the building of the M4 changed the road layout
Tasker Close, UB3 Tasker Close is a road in the UB3 postcode area
The Crescent, UB3 The Crescent is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
Victoria Lane, UB3 Victoria Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area
West End Lane, UB3 West End Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB3 postal area

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