Melville Close, UB10

Road in/near West Ruislip

(51.56689 -0.43532, 51.566 -0.435) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · UB10 ·
Melville Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area

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West Ruislip West Ruislip is a station located between Ickenham and Ruislip. It is served by both London Underground and National Rail trains on independent platforms. It is the western terminus of the Central Line’s West Ruislip branch.

Annandale Grove, UB10 Annandale Grove is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Austins Lane, UB10 Austins Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Ickenham)
Aylsham Drive, UB10 Aylsham Drive is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (West Ruislip)
Barnwood Close, HA4 Barnwood Close is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Bembridge Gardens, HA4 Bembridge Gardens is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Blenheim Crescent, HA4 Blenheim Crescent is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Bunting House, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Chichester Avenue, HA4 Chichester Avenue is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Church Place, UB10 Church Place is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Ickenham)
Cochrane House, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Cordingley Road, HA4 Cordingley Road is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Coton Drive, UB10 Coton Drive is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Coyle Drive, UB10 A street within the HA4 postcode (West Ruislip)
Cranston Close, UB10 Cranston Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Cunningham Drive, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Cyrus Terrace Pentland Way, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Fincham Close, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Hamble Close, HA4 Hamble Close is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Harecroft Lane, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Haslam Close, UB10 Haslam Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Heacham Avenue, UB10 Heacham Avenue is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Helford Close, HA4 A street within the HA4 postcode (Ruislip)
High Road Ickenham, HA4 High Road Ickenham is a road in the HA4 postcode area (West Ruislip)
High Road Ickenham, UB10 High Road Ickenham is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Ickenham)
High Street, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (Ickenham)
Ickenham Close, HA4 Ickenham Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Ruislip)
Josiah Drive Ickenham, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Josiah Drive, UB10 Josiah Drive is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Kenmare Close, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Kestrel Court, HA4 A street within the HA4 postcode (Ruislip)
Lymington Drive, HA4 Lymington Drive is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ruislip)
Lysander Road, HA4 Lysander Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Ruislip)
Melville Close, UB10 Melville Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Narborough Close, UB10 Narborough Close is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (West Ruislip)
Nithsdale Grove, UB10 Nithsdale Grove is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Pentland Way, UB10 Pentland Way is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Perkins Gardens, UB10 A street within the HA4 postcode (Ruislip)
Seaford Close, HA4 Seaford Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Ruislip)
Station Parade, HA4 Station Parade is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Ruislip)
Storey Close, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Summer Gardens, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Tayfield Close, UB10 Tayfield Close is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (West Ruislip)
The Green, UB10 The Green is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Ickenham)
The Greenway, UB10 The Greenway is one of the streets of London in the UB10 postal area (Ickenham)
The Greenway, UB10 The Greenway is a road in the HA4 postcode area (Ickenham)
Thorpland Avenue, UB10 Thorpland Avenue is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Truesdales, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)
Tweeddale Grove, UB10 Tweeddale Grove is a road in the UB10 postcode area (West Ruislip)
Whitstable Close, HA4 Whitstable Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Ruislip)
Willow Tree Close, UB10 Willow Tree Close is a road in the UB10 postcode area (Ickenham)
Winton Lodge, UB10 A street within the UB10 postcode (West Ruislip)

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