Addison Close, HA6

Road in/near Northwood

(51.60662 -0.412, 51.606 -0.412) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · HA6 ·
Addison Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area

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Acre Way, HA6 Acre Way is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Addison Close, HA6 Addison Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Addison Way, HA6 Addison Way is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Barker Close, HA6 Barker Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Bennett Close, HA6 Bennett Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Chester Road, HA6 Chester Road came into being soon after the opening of Northwood station
Church Road, HA6 Church Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Columbus Gardens, HA6 Columbus Gardens is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Dale Close, HA5 Dale Close is a road in the HA5 postcode area
Emmanuel Road, HA6 Emmanuel Road is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Gate end, HA6 Gate end is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Hawes Close, HA6 Hawes Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
High Street, HA6 Northwood’s High Street gained its shops from 1895 onwards
Hilliard Road, HA6 Hilliard Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Hillside Crescent, HA6 Hillside Crescent is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Hillside Gardens, HA6 Hillside Gardens is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Hillside Rise, HA6 Hillside Rise is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Hillside Road, HA6 Hillside Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Jasmin Close, HA6 Jasmin Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Juniper Court, HA6 Juniper Court is a location in London
Kemps Drive, HA6 A street within the HA6 postcode
Lees Avenue, HA6 Lees Avenue is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Manor Cottages, HA6 Manor Cottages is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Neal Close, HA6 Neal Close is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Northwood Road, HA6 Northwood Road is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Northwood Way, HA6 Northwood Way is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Potter Street, HA6 Potter Street is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Reginald Road, HA6 Reginald Road dates from the 1880s
Robina Close, HA6 Robina Close is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Ross Haven Place, HA6 Ross Haven Place lies within the HA6 postcode
Roy Road, HA6 Before its extension to Hallowell Road, Roy Road was an original cul-de-sac dating from Northwood’s first residential building period
Stanley Road, HA6 Stanley Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Townsend Way, HA6 Townsend Way is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Vincent Court, HA6 Vincent Court is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Waller Drive, HA6 Waller Drive is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Watkins Close, HA6 Watkins Close lies within the HA6 postcode
Waverley Gardens, HA6 Waverley Gardens is a road in the HA6 postcode area
Wieland Road, HA6 Wieland Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex

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