Bullsbrook Road, UB1

Road in/near Southall

(51.51706 -0.36799, 51.517 -0.367) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · UB1 ·
Bullsbrook Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area

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Allenby Close, UB1 Allenby Close is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Allendale Avenue, UB1 Allendale Avenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Ashford Avenue, UB1 Ashford Avenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Barbican Road, UB6 Barbican Road is a road in the UB6 postcode area
Bassett Way, UB6 Bassett Way is one of the streets of London in the UB6 postal area
Brazier Crescent, UB1 Brazier Crescent is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Bridge Road, UB1 Bridge Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Brindley Way, UB1 Brindley Way is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Britten Drive, UB1 Britten Drive is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Bullsbrook Road, UB1 Bullsbrook Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Burns Avenue, UB1 Burns Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Canterbury Close, UB6 Canterbury Close is a road in the UB6 postcode area
Carlyle Avenue, UB1 Carlyle Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Chepstow Gardens, UB1 Chepstow Gardens is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Chevy Road, UB1 Chevy Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Collett Way, UB1 Collett Way is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Darwin Drive, UB1 Darwin Drive is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Denbigh Close, UB1 Denbigh Close is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Denbigh Road, UB1 Denbigh Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Derwent Road, UB1 Derwent Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Dormer’s Avenue, UB1 Dormer’s Avenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Durdan Cottages, UB1 Durdan Cottages is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Durdans Road, UB1 Durdans Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Edison Drive, UB1 Edison Drive is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Elgar House, UB1 Elgar House is a block on North Road
Faraday Road, UB1 Faraday Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Farm Close, UB1 Farm Close is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Hill House, UB1 Hill House is a block on Allenby Road
Jackson Way, UB1 Jackson Way is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Kelvin Gardens, UB1 A street within the UB1 postcode
Kenton Avenue, UB1 Kenton Avenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
King’s Avenue, UB1 This is a street in the UB6 postcode area
Kings Avenue, UB1 Kings Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB6 postal area
Kings Avenue, UB1 Kings Avenue is a road in the UB6 postcode area
Kingsley Avenue, UB1 Kingsley Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Longridge Lane, UB1 Longridge Lane is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Lovell Road, UB1 Lovell Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Lovell Road, UB1 Lovell Road is a road in the UB6 postcode area
Lynwood Gardens, UB1 Lynwood Gardens is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Manaton Crescent, UB1 Manaton Crescent is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Marconi Way, UB1 Marconi Way is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Masefield Avenue, UB1 Masefield Avenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Masefield Road, UB1 A street within the UB1 postcode
Mornington Road, UB1 Mornington Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Mount Avenue, UB1 Mount Avenue dates from the mid 1920s
North Avenue, UB1 North Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
North Parade, UB1 North Parade is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
North Road, UB1 North Road has long connected Mount Pleasant and Southall
Palgrave Avenue, UB1 Palgrave Avenue is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Panhard Place, UB1 A street within the UB1 postcode
Princes Avenue, UB6 A street within the UB6 postcode
Purcell House, UB1 Purcell House is a block on North Road
Shackleton Road, UB1 Shackleton Road is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Shelley Crescent, UB1 Shelley Crescent is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Southall Court, UB1 Southall Court is the name of a residential block and the road serving it
St Crispin’s Close, UB1 St Crispin’s Close leads off Somerset Road
St Ursula Road, UB1 Saint Ursula Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
St. Crispins Close, UB1 A street within the UB1 postcode
Station Yard, UB1 Station Yard is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Stratton Gardens, UB1 Stratton Gardens is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Swan Road, UB1 Swan Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Telford Road, UB1 Telford Road is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Tennyson House, UB1 Tennyson House is sited on North Road
The Broadway Centre, UB1 The Broadway Centre is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Thurston Road, UB1 Thurston Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Tollgate Drive, UB1 Tollgate Drive is a road in the UB1 postcode area
TringAvenue, UB1 TringAvenue is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Turing Court, UB1 Turing Court is a location in London
Wallis Road, UB1 Wallis Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Waverley Road, UB1 Waverley Road is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Waxlow Crescent, UB1 Waxlow Crescent is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area
Whittle Close, UB1 Whittle Close is a road in the UB1 postcode area
Winford Parade, UB1 Winford Parade is one of the streets of London in the UB1 postal area

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