Birkbeck Road, W5

Road in/near South Ealing

(51.49643 -0.31095, 51.496 -0.31) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · W5 ·
Birkbeck Road is a road in the W5 postcode area

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Airedale Road, W5 Airedale Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Ashleigh Court, W5 Ashleigh Court is sited on Murray Road (South Ealing)
Belsize Avenue, W13 Belsize Avenue is a street in Ealing (Northfields)
Birkbeck Road, W5 Birkbeck Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Blondin Avenue, W5 Blondin Avenue is named after 19th century acrobat Blondin (Northfields)
Bramley Road, W5 Bramley Road ultimately links South Ealing and Northfields stations (Northfields)
Carlyle Road, W5 Carlyle Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Chandos Avenue, W5 Chandos Avenue is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Cherry Close, W5 Cherry Close is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Cherry Garth, TW8 Cherry Garth is a road in the TW8 postcode area (Brentford)
Chilton Avenue, W5 Chilton Avenue is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Clayponds Gardens, TW8 Clayponds Gardens is a street in Ealing (Brentford)
Clayton Crescent, TW8 Clayton Crescent is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Brentford)
Convent Gardens, W5 Convent Gardens is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Cranmer Avenue, W13 Cranmer Avenue is a street in Ealing (Northfields)
Creighton Road, W5 Creighton Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Darwin Road, W5 Darwin Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Derwent Road, W5 Derwent Road is a street in Ealing (Northfields)
Derwent Yard, W5 Derwent Yard is a street in Ealing (Northfields)
Durham Road, W5 Durham Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Ealing Park Gardens, W5 Ealing Park Gardens is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Ealing Park Mansions, W5 Ealing Park Mansions is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Green Lawn Lane, TW8 Green Lawn Lane is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Brentford)
Greenlawn Lane, TW8 A street within the TW8 postcode (Brentford)
Hereford Road, W5 Hereford Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Hollies Road, W5 Hollies Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Jefferson Close, W13 Jefferson Close is a road in the W13 postcode area (Northfields)
Julien Road, W5 Julien Road is named after a variety of apple (Northfields)
Junction Road, W5 Junction Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Junction Road, W5 A street within the TW8 postcode (Brentford)
Laurel House, W5 Laurel House is a block on Little Ealing Lane (Northfields)
Lawrence Road, W5 Lawrence Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Lilac Gardens, W5 Lilac Gardens is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Little Ealing Lane, W5 Little Ealing Lane is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Littlewood Close, W13 Littlewood Close is a road in the W13 postcode area (Northfields)
Mayo Court, W13 Mayo Court is a road in the W13 postcode area (Northfields)
Murray Road, W5 Murray Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Netherbury Road, W5 Netherbury Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Niagara Avenue, W5 Niagara Avenue is named after the former Niagara House (Northfields)
North Road, W5 North Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Northfield Avenue, W5 Northfield Avenue is a street in Ealing (Northfields)
Olive Road, W5 Olive Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Phoenix Park, TW8 A street within the TW8 postcode (Brentford)
Plum Garth, TW8 Plum Garth is a road in the TW8 postcode area (Brentford)
Pope’s Lane, W5 Pope’s Lane is a road in the W3 postcode area (South Ealing)
Pope’s Lane, W5 Pope’s Lane is a road in the W3 postcode area (South Ealing)
Queen’s Road, W5 A street within the W5 postcode (South Ealing)
Radbourne Avenue, W5 Radbourne Avenue is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Redwood Grove, W5 Redwood Grove is a road in the W5 postcode area (Northfields)
South Ealing Road, W5 South Ealing Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
South Road, W5 South Road is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
St. James’s Road, W5 A street within the W5 postcode (South Ealing)
Swyncombe Avenue, W5 Swyncombe Avenue is a street in Ealing (Boston Manor)
Sycamore Avenue, W5 Sycamore Avenue is a road in the W5 postcode area (South Ealing)
Temple Road, W5 Temple Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
The Quadrant, W5 The Quadrant is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)
Wellington Road, W5 Wellington Road is not named after a Duke but an apple (Northfields)
Weymouth Avenue, W5 Weymouth Avenue dates from the period of the First World War (South Ealing)
Whitestile Road, TW8 Whitestile Road is one of the streets in the Twickenham postal district (Brentford)
Windmill Court, W5 Windmill Court is a block on Windmill Road (Northfields)
Windmill Road, W5 Windmill Road is a street in Ealing (South Ealing)

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