St Alphage Walk, HA8

Road in/near Burnt Oak

(51.59838 -0.26344, 51.598 -0.263) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · HA8 ·
St Alphage Walk is a road in the HA8 postcode area

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Amy Johnson Court, HA8 A street within the HA8 postcode
Angus Gardens, HA8 Angus Gardens is a road in the NW9 postcode area (Grahame Park)
Angus Gardens, NW9 Angus Gardens is a location in London (Grahame Park)
Argyll Gardens, HA8 A street within the HA8 postcode (Edgware)
Back Lane, HA8 Back Lane is a road in the HA8 postcode area (Burnt Oak)
Barnfield Road, HA8 Barnfield Road was the location of the Watling Estate market (Burnt Oak)
Birchwood Court, HA8 Birchwood Court is a road in the HA8 postcode area
Carlisle Road, NW9 Carlisle Road is a street in Kingsbury
Clare House, HA8 Residential block (Burnt Oak)
Gaskarth Road, HA8 Gaskarth Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Gervase Road, HA8 Gervase Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Gloucester Grove, HA8 Gloucester Grove is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Greenway Close, NW9 Greenway Close is a road in the NW9 postcode area (Colindale)
Greenway Gardens, NW9 Greenway Gardens is a street in Kingsbury (Colindale)
Kenmore Gardens, HA8 A street within the HA8 postcode
Limesdale Gardens, HA8 Limesdale Gardens is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Market Lane, HA8 Market Lane is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Melrose Gardens, HA8 Melrose Gardens is a road in the HA8 postcode area
Millfield Road, HA8 Millfield Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Moorcroft, HA8 A street within the HA8 postcode (Edgware)
Oak Gardens, HA8 Oak Gardens is a road in the HA8 postcode area
Oakleigh Court, HA8 Oakleigh Court is a road in the HA8 postcode area
Park Way, HA8 Park Way is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Edgware)
Playfield Road, HA8 Playfield Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Portman Gardens, NW9 Portman Gardens is a road in the NW9 postcode area (Colindale)
Redhill Drive, HA8 Redhill Drive is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex
Silkstream Road, HA8 Silkstream Road is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Burnt Oak)
Southbourne Avenue, NW9 Southbourne Avenue is a road in the NW9 postcode area (Burnt Oak)
Southbourne Court, NW9 Southbourne Court is a location in London (Colindale)
St Alphage Walk, HA8 St Alphage Walk is a road in the HA8 postcode area (Burnt Oak)
Stag Close, HA8 Stag Close is a road in the HA8 postcode area
Stag Lane, NW9 Stag Lane follows the line of an old country track
Symal House, NW9 Symal House is a block on Edgware Road (Colindale)
Tewkesbury Gardens, NW9 Tewkesbury Gardens is a street in Kingsbury
The Greenway, NW9 The Greenway is a street in Kingsbury (Colindale)
The Highlands, HA8 The Highlands is one of the streets in the Harrow postal district of Middlesex (Edgware)
The Mall, NW9 Back Lane runs down to Silk Stream (Colindale)
Watling Avenue, HA8 Watling Avenue is a road which forms part of the Burnt Oak Broadway shopping area (Burnt Oak)

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