Victoria Road, NW7

Road in/near Mill Hill

(51.61691 -0.24301, 51.616 -0.243) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · NW7 ·
Victoria Road is a road in the NW7 postcode area

TIP: See that row below the map saying MAP YEAR? Click a year to find out what was on the map in a particular decade. (The other control top right shows everything - existing or not - when you change maps.

Alderton Court, NW7 Alderton Court is a block on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Anthony Close, NW7 Anthony Close is a location in London (Mill Hill)
Birkbeck Road, NW7 In 1878 the Birkbeck Building Society and the Birkbeck Freehold Land Society laid out plots for 500 small houses in the angle between Daws Lane and Hammers Lane (Mill Hill)
Briston Mews, NW7 Briston Mews is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Brockenhurst Gardens, NW7 Brockenhurst Gardens lies beside Mill Hill Broadway station (Mill Hill Broadway)
Brockworth Court, NW7 Brockworth Court is a block on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Byron Court, NW7 Byron Court is a block on Byron Road (Mill Hill)
Byron Road, NW7 Byron Road originally dates from the 1870s (Mill Hill)
Cambridge Court, NW7 Cambridge Court is located on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Chesham Close, NW7 Chesham Close is a location in London (Mill Hill)
Church Close, NW7 Church Close is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Clarence Court, NW7 Clarence Court is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Daws Lane, NW7 Daws Lane is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Deerhurst Court, NW7 Deerhurst Court is a block on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Elmbridge Court, NW7 Elmbridge Court is a block on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Fairford Court, NW7 Fairford Court is sited on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Foxwood Close, NW7 Foxwood Close is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Frinton Court, NW7 Frinton Court is a block on Byron Road (Mill Hill)
Goodwyn Avenue, NW7 Goodwyn Avenue is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill Broadway)
Hammers Lane, NW7 Hammers Lane is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Hartley Avenue, NW7 Hartley Avenue is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill Broadway)
Hartley Close, NW7 Hartley Close is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill Broadway)
Hartley Hall Flower Lane, NW7 Hartley Hall Flower Lane is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Heather Court, NW7 Heather Court is a building on Byron Road (Mill Hill)
Ingham Court, NW7 Ingham Court is a block on Holborn Close (Mill Hill)
Lawrence Court, NW7 Lawrence Court is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Marion Road, NW7 Marion Road runs between Tennyson Road and Daws Lane (Mill Hill)
Milton Road, NW7 Milton Road was one of a number of roads with literary connections designed by the Birkbeck Freehold Land Society (Mill Hill)
Newcombe Park, NW7 Newcombe Park is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill Broadway)
Oaklodge Way, NW7 Oaklodge Way is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill Broadway)
Rudyard Grove, NW7 Rudyard Grove is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Shakespeare Road, NW7 Shakespeare Road is the northernmost road laid out by the Birkbeck Freehold Land Society (Mill Hill)
Stanhope Gardens, NW7 Stanhope Gardens is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill Broadway)
Station Road, NW7 Station Road is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill Broadway)
Studio House, NW7 Residential block (Mill Hill)
Sylvan Avenue, NW7 Sylvan Avenue runs between Station Road and Flower Lane (Mill Hill Broadway)
Tennyson Road, NW7 Tennyson Road was a joint project of the Birkbeck Building Society and the Birkbeck Freehold Land Society (Mill Hill)
The Broadway, NW7 The nucleus of the shopping centre in Mill Hill Broadway (then still known as Lawrence Street) was built around 1910. (Mill Hill Broadway)
Twinn Road, NW7 Twinn Road is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Uphill Drive, NW7 Uphill Drive is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Uphill Grove, NW7 Uphill Grove is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Victoria Road, NW7 Victoria Road is a road in the NW7 postcode area (Mill Hill)
Weymouth Avenue, NW7 Weymouth Avenue is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Winterstoke Gardens, NW7 Winterstoke Gardens is a street in Mill Hill (Mill Hill)
Wise Lane, NW7 Wise Lane is part of a route which ran since medieval times from the Three Hammers along Hammers Lane, Wise Lane, Page Street and Hall Lane (Mill Hill)

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