Marsh Avenue, CR4

Road in/near Mitcham

(51.40983 -0.16063, 51.409 -0.16) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · CR4 ·
Marsh Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area

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Mitcham Eastfields Mitcham Eastfields is a railway station which opened on 2 June 2008.

Armfield Crescent, CR4 Armfield Crescent is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Beaulieu Close, CR4 Beaulieu Close is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Bedfont Close, CR4 Bedfont Close is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Biggin Avenue, CR4 Biggin Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Bond Road, CR4 Bond Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Bordergate, CR4 Bordergate is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Camomile Avenue, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode
Carew Road, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Denis Reeve Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode
Dennis Reeve Close, CR4 Dennis Reeve Close is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Downe Road, CR4 Downe Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Eastfields Road, CR4 Eastfields Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Elmfield Avenue, CR4 Elmfield Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Eveline Road, CR4 Eveline Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Fairgreen Parade, CR4 A street within the postcode (Mitcham)
Feltham Road, CR4 Feltham Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Fernlea Avenue, CR4 Fernlea Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Fernlea Road, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Fir Tree Avenue, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Firtree Avenue, CR4 Firtree Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Fowler Road, CR4 Fowler Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Graham Avenue, CR4 Graham Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Graham Road, CR4 Graham Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Grove Road, CR4 Grove Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Guyatt Gardens, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham Eastfields)
Harbour Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Hasty Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham Eastfields)
Holborn Way, CR4 Holborn Way is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Kennedy Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Laburnum House, CR4 Laburnum House is a block on Laburnum Road (Mitcham)
Laburnum Road, CR4 Laburnum Road runs beside the railway, south of Mitcham Eastfields station (Mitcham)
Laings Avenue, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Laings Corner, Laings Corner is a shopping locality (Mitcham)
Lammas Avenue, CR4 Lammas Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Lansdell Road, CR4 Lansdell Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Lavender Avenue, CR4 Lavender Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Lavender Grove, CR4 Lavender Grove is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Leather Close, CR4 Leather Close is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Locks Lane, CR4 Locks Lane is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
London Road, CR4 London Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Majestic Way, CR4 Majestic Way is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Marsh Avenue, CR4 Marsh Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Monarch Parade, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Mortimer Road, CR4 Mortimer Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Ormerod Gardens, CR4 Ormerod Gardens is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Pearce Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Pearson Way, CR4 Pearson Way is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Pembroke Road, CR4 Pembroke Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Plummer Lane, CR4 Plummer Lane is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Poplar Avenue, CR4 Poplar Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Priestley Road, CR4 Priestley Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Proctor Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Rialto Road, CR4 Rialto Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Roan Gardens, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode
Roper Way, CR4 Roper Way is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham Eastfields)
Rose Avenue, CR4 Rose Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Sadler Close, CR4 Sadler Close is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Sandy Lane, CR4 Sandy Lane is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Sibthorp Road, CR4 Sibthorp Road is a small road in Mitcham town centre (Mitcham)
Slade Way, CR4 Slade Way is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Spring Grove, CR4 Spring Grove is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
St Marks Road, CR4 St Marks Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Steers Mead, CR4 Steers Mead is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Stepney Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham Eastfields)
Stuart Place, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode
Summerhill Way, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Sunshine Way, CR4 Sunshine Way is the name of a crescent in Mitcham, built in 1936 for families from overcrowded areas of inner London
The Driftway, CR4 The Driftway is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Tide Close, CR4 A street within the CR4 postcode (Mitcham)
Tonstall Road, CR4 Tonstall Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Turner Avenue, CR4 Turner Avenue is a road in the CR4 postcode area
Upper Green West, CR4 Upper Green West is a road in the CR4 postcode area (Mitcham)
Westfield Road, CR4 Westfield Road is a road in the CR4 postcode area

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